Pankevych V. V., Kovtuniak O. S., Nazarevych M. R., Pohranychna Kh. R., Kaminsky M. V.


About the author:

Pankevych V. V., Kovtuniak O. S., Nazarevych M. R., Pohranychna Kh. R., Kaminsky M. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article has analyzed the results of studies regarding surgical treatment of patients with gunshot and non- gunshot zygomatic-orbital complex fractures. The necessity of summerizing and analysing of extensive clinical material is caused by significant progress and implementation in medical practice modern technologies of computer modeling of the facial skull soft tissues and bone structures using laser stereolithography method when planning a surgery. These methods significantly extend the capabilities of surgical treatment, which without them would not be enough productive. Particular attention is paid to diagnostic features of zygomatic-orbital complex fractures using the capabilities of conical CT. Resulting of own observations and literature data a clear protocol of planning and modeling of zygomatic-orbital complex deformations of different origin has been presented. From the new point of view planning of reconstructive operations, choosing the optimal surgical approaches, autografts have been highlighted. Based on clinical cases the sequence of transcranial, subciliary and intraoral approaches have been described in details. Based on our own studies and the results of other similar works authors it was discovered that preoperative planning can significantly reduce intraoperative time up to 40 − 60 minutes. Application of coronary and subciliary accesses gives us an adequate visualization of the surgical field, provides a good cosmetic effect. One of the benefits of coronary access is an opportunity for sampling bone autografts from the parietal bone. Sampling of bone autografts from iliac crest gives us the opportunity to obtain cortical and cortical-spongy grafts in sufficient quantities, and in case of soft tissue defects transplantation of adipose tissue by lipofolling is possible.


conical computer tomography, zygomatic-orbital complex fractures, model stereolithography, coronary access, subciliary access


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 250-257 pages, index UDK 617.523/.524-001.5-073.756.8-089.12