Skrypnykov P. N., Skrypnikova T. P., Shinkevich V. I., Kolomiets S. V., Bilous S. V.


About the author:

Skrypnykov P. N., Skrypnikova T. P., Shinkevich V. I., Kolomiets S. V., Bilous S. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Healthy oral mucosa description in medical records can become a problem in clinical dentistry sometimes, possible because of relatively common description of pathological elements in academic literature and less attention was paid to normal oral mucosa. Natural variants can occur, for example, depending on environment and achievements of the civilization. The review was devoted to the description of normal oral mucosa by the sequence, which requires clinical examination, was marked age-related features and provided clinical examples. WHO experts recommended sequence of dental patient examination in sequence «ABC»: each of letters correspond to the certain areas. Step "B" of examination involves seven steps: B1 — skin and red border of lips; B2 — lips mucosa and oral vestibule; B3 — corners of mouth and cheeks mucous membrane; B4 — gums and alveolar process; B5 — tongue; B6 — floor of mouth; B7 — hard and soft palate. The oral cavity (see the image below) is oval shaped and is separated into the oral vestibule and the oral cavity proper. It is bound by the lips anteriorly, the cheeks laterally, the floor of the mouth inferiorly, the oropharynx posteriorly, and the palate superiorly. Characteristic of lips consists from configuration, shape, color and moisture. The color depends on age, and general health. Labial tubuloacinar gland, Fordaysa glands number and labial frenulum are responsible for individual variability. And features of labial skin and mucosa are responsible for age-related changes. Sebaceous glands, expression of the linea alba and the vasculature makes natural variants of buccal mucosa. Non-keratinizing epithelium of the cheeks mucosa, epithelial mucosal villi and fatty lump deep in cheeks are the main differences of child. The healthy periodontium, of which only the gingival tissues may be directly observed, is described as being stippled, pale pink or coral pink, in the Caucasian, with various degrees of pigmentation in other races. It is tightly adapted to the underlying tissues, with a knife edge margin where it abuts the tooth. The gingival margin is located, in the absence of pathology, at the cemento-enamel junction. It displays a scalloped edge configuration highest interdentally, where it constitutes the interdental papilla and lowest buccally and lingually. There is a gingival crevice where it abuts the tooth which in health is 1–3 mm deep. There is an absence of bleeding from the crevice on gentle probing. The crevice in health will show a small amount of interstitial fluid, gingival crevicular fluid. Bright color ash in early childhood and the presence of glycogen in the gums are features of childhood, and reduction of the epithelial attachment is the main sign of aging. Expression of Tongue papillae and numerous anatomical formation on its ventral surface often focus excessive attention of patient. Torus palatinus and torus mandibularis are benign bony outgrowths of the palate and mandible (see the image below). Tori of the oral cavity occur in 3% to 56% of adults and are more common in women, Asians, and Inuits. They usually manifest in the second decade and continue to grow throughout life. Milia are benign, keratinous cysts that commonly manifest as tiny white bumps on the face of the newborn. When present on the gum margin and midline palate they are referred to as Bohn nodules and Epstein pearls, respectively. Milia can be broadly categorized into primary and secondary types. Congenital milia in newborns account for the vast majority of primary milia. Mouth anatomy and its age-related and individual changes often lead to certain oral lesion development in typical localization at diseases of oral mucosa.


oral mucosa, age and individual differences


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 261-266 pages, index UDK 611.31:616-053-07