About the author:
Chaykovska S. Y., Masna Z. Z.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Regularities of age restructuring of maxillofacial area are inextricably linked to age-related changes of body physiological processes as a whole, while being under the influence of a number of local factors. It is already known, that the jaw development is due to a combination of physiological processes of apposition and bone tissue resorbtion, the result is not only the bone growth, but also the change of its shape and curvature, that is, by its "remodeling." Nevertheless, no less meaning for the physiological development of the maxillofacial area are laying processes, formation, eruption and change of teeth that structurally and functionally are closely combined with alveolar jaw areas, and also the level of loading on the teeth machine and the development of chewing muscles. Numerous searches are dedicated to examining the characteristics of the formation and growth of the skull as a whole and its facial part in particular. Their results testify that during different age periods the skull growth trends are changing, thus the most active growth of facial part of the head coincide with periods of eruption and change of teeth. The purpose of the work: study of the angle age dynamics, as well as the correlation of height of collar and basic body parts of the lower jaw in children during the period of formation and functioning of dairy bite. Research material: 80 X-ray of maxillofacial area (MFA) of children under 6 years – patients of the pediatric dentistry departments of dental clinics t. Lviv and also 15 skulls of children from the experiment age group from funds of the Department of Anatomy of Lviv national medical university named after Danylo Galytskyj. Objects of research were divided into 4 groups - infants, children of 1-2 years, 3-4 years and 5-6 years. The height of the collar and the main parts of the body of the lower jaw (LJ) was determined at the level of incisive segments and segments of large molar teeth. The obtained analysis of morphometric data testified the presence of severe age dynamics of the studied parameters. For the objectification of research results we compared not the absolute morphometric parameters, butthecorrelation of relative particles of collar height and the main parts of the body of lower jaw taking as a unit the height of the main part. It was established that the height of the body parts of lower jaw in the search areas was different and has a strong age dynamics. At the level of cutters segments the correlation of the collar height and main body parts LJ in children of 1-2 years of age did not change compared with newborns (collar height exceeds the height of the main part into 1.5 times), in 3-4-year-olds specific height parts of collar and the main parts are almost identical with no significant predominance of the collar parts, and in 5-6-year the collar height of the body of lower jaw is twice higher than the height of the main part. At the level of large segments of cutter teeth the height proportion of collar portion decreases in children of 1-2 years of age compared with newborns and remains unchanged in 3-4 years of age, and in 5-6years of age is sharply higher and exceeds the main part into 2,5 times. It has also set up the definite age dynamics of the lower jaw angle in children of different age groups – in newborns the figure was in 150°±5° and gradually evenly was decreased with age up to 130°± 5° in 5-6-years of age. Results of the research testified that growth of the body of lower jaw in height during the period of formation and functioning of milk bite is characterized by a predominance of basic growth processes of main or collar parts for different age intervals and has different dynamics at the level of cutter segments and segments of large cutter teeth. Reducing the lower jaw angle during the search period testifies spatial character of the age adjustment MFA and lower jaw in particular.
lower jaw, collar portion, age dynamics
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 284-287 pages, index UDK 611.711.1 – 018.4:616-071.3:616-055