Yanishen I. V., Berezhna O. O., Kuznetsov R. V.


About the author:

Yanishen I. V., Berezhna O. O., Kuznetsov R. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of investigation was to analyze the correlation relationships between organizational and technological factors that may affect the quality of orthopedic dental designs. Methods and materials of investigation. The study of clinical-technological quality of orthopedic dental designs from materials of domestic production, is made by integrated program and stipulates the study of these types of prostheses: 20,329 artificial crowns (plastic — 13,304 units, combined to Belkin, Borodyuk, Ahmetov — 7025 units) 15,621 prosthetic appliances (plastic — 9789 units, combined — 5832 units) 23,538 laminar dentures (partial — 11,340 units, complete — 12190 units) and 8903 bar dentures (with locking elements in the claspsform by systems of Ney — 7100 units and Castle fixation — 1803 units). The total number of analyzed orthopedic dental designs — 68,391 units; the total number of doctors-orthopedists-dentists was 75 people, dental technicians — 103 persons. Results and their discussion. The determining factors of quality designs in the early period of the clinical application is the structure of staffing by doctors of dental clinics, in particular — the index of staffing (F9: COP=0,727) and the proportion of orthopedists-dentists of the first qualification category (F2: COP = 0,453), while in the remote the most influential factor — qualified of dental technicians, dental technicians proportion without qualification category (F8: COP = 0,517). The most significant for protection the quality of artificial crowns in the early period is the level of security MPI orthopedists-dentists second (or higher) level of proficiency (F3: rXY=-0,325) and dental technicians first qualification category and a remote back found relationship with medium strength proportion of dental technicians without category (F6: rXY = -0,402). For prosthetic appliances in the early period of their clinical exploitation of the most significant was the impact of training orthopedists-dentists, particularly F2 (rXY=-0,918), F3 (rXY=+0,665), F4 (rXY=+0,435). Several other laws were revealed to removable laminar dentures, namely: F2 (rXY=-0,378), F4 (rXY=-0,513), F6 (rXY=-0,256). It should be noted that the quality of bar dentures to a great extent is determined by qualified dental technicians F7 (rXY=-0,400), F8 (rXY=+0,482), than qualified orthopedists-dentists F2 (rXY=-0,509). From correlogram of technological quality index relationships, in summary, it can be concluded that the most significant factor of manufacturing quality orthopedic dental designs is the structure of the medical staff and their qualification. However, regardless of these factors, during clinical exploitation of orthopedic dental designs is marked the decrease in their quality that cannot be explained and qualified. Staff needs to be scrutinized from the standpoint of dental materials science and manufacturing techniques of dental dentures. Conclusion 1. Quality of artificial crowns in early stage of clinical exploitation depends on the providing level of orthopedists-dentists second (or later) qualification categories (F3 rXY=-0,325), and tooth-technical laboratory — dental technicians I-st qualification; in the remote period — reveal the feedback of medium strength with the proportion of dental technicians without category (F6 rXY=-0,402) and quality orthopedic design. 2. The most significant for fixed dental bridges dentures in the early period of clinical exploitation was the impact of orthopedists-dentists, particularly F2 (rXY=-0,918), F3 (rXY=+0,665), F4 (rXY=+0,435). 3. Quality of laminar removable dentures depends on staff qualification, dental design and technical equipment of dental laboratory: F2 (rXY = -0,378), F4 (rXY=-0,513), F6 (rXY=-0,256) in early and remote periods in clinical exploitation. 4. Quality of bar dentures (to a greater extent) determined by qualified of dental technicians F7 (rXY=-0,400), F8 (rXY=+0,482), than qualified of orthopedists-dentists F2 (rXY =-0,509). Prospects for further investigation correlation between quality of orthopedic dental designs in the early and distant period of its clinical exploitation related to assessment of the influence properties of dental materials and clinical and technological factors of treatment.


orthopedic construction of dentures, quality, multi-factor analysis


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 292-296 pages, index UDK 616.31-089.23-036.8