Yanishen I. V., Kuznecov R. V.


About the author:

Yanishen I. V., Kuznecov R. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The purpose of the research was to study prognostic informativeness of quality decrease manifestation of fixed partial dentures (FPD) (artificial crowns and dental bridges) during their clinical use. The methods and materials of the research. Clinical and population analysis of direct, long-term results and clinical and technological valuation of complications in the treatment of fixed partial dentures have been made by examination of a representative set of patients in dental clinics of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region. Formation of representative volume of total part was based on quantitative sufficiency of observation objects depending on some indexes variability. Volume calculation of total part (minimum number of observation objects) was done according to special formula of volume’s size definition that in accordance with basic theoretical principles of medical statistics insures quantitative and qualitative representativeness of conclusions received during total part. The results and their discussion. For practical use of indicators of artificial crowns quality prognostic value of quality reducing signs depending on their duration of this construction was investigated and analyzed. It has been found out that the most informative indicator is the change of color of artificial crowns (² = 0,997 bits), while other ones are less informative. It has been detected some differences of artificial crowns quality at early and long-term periods (ð < 0,0001). It has been processed special table algorithm of predicting artificial crowns quality reduction and using a scale to assess their quality during their clinical use. The most common signs of lower quality of dental dentures during their clinical use (listed in rank order) are: color change, structure breakdown, crack formation, change of anatomical form, construction breakdown. For practical use of indicators of dental bridges quality prognostic value of quality reducing signs depending on their duration of this construction was analyzed and investigated. It has been found out that the most informative indicator is the color change of dental bridges (² = 0,912 bits), while other indicators are less informative. Comprehensive prognostic of dental bridges quality can be done on the basis of special table algorithm. Conclusions. In order to estimate the quality of fixed partial dentures it is necessary to use table algorithms, which include informative qualimetric indicators. The most informative indicator of artificial crowns quality is a change of their color (² = 0,997 bits), but even at the absence of initial change of color, structure breakdown and destruction of anatomical form of a crown show the low quality. The most informative indicator of dental bridges (DB) quality is color change (² = 0,912 bits), but even at the absence of initial change of construction color, structure breakdown and crack show the low quality. Prospects for further research on these issues are related to justification of the constructive and complient dental materials and study the quality of patients’ life during fixed partial dentures (FPD) clinical use.


dentistry, dental dentures constructions, quality, monitoring


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 297-301 pages, index UDK 616.31-089.23-036.8