Bezkorovayna I. M., Voskresenskaya L. K., Ryadnova V. V., Steblovska I. S.


About the author:

Bezkorovayna I. M., Voskresenskaya L. K., Ryadnova V. V., Steblovska I. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


We examined 41 patients with edema of macular area after cataract phacoemulsification and found that increasing the thickness of central area of the retina occurs within 1 month after surgery. When comparing different routes of administration of the drug for the treatment of postoperative changes of the retina, we found that the most effective method is subtenon injections of corticosteroids, which causes a more significant decrease in retinal thickness, even in patients with complicated ophthalmic history. A positive treatment effect after completion of the observation period had all 41 patients. After three months of morphometric indicators of condition of the retina was close to baseline (preoperative period). The most significant changes occurred in patients of the third group treated by injection of betamethasone in subtenon space. The average difference of the retina was approximately 38 microns. Several smaller values had the patients of the first two groups, the thickness of the central zone after the treatment has decreased by an average of 23 microns. That is, comparing the efficacy of different regimens of macular edema region it can be concluded that treatment with steroid medications in various forms are equally efficient. Subtenon route of administration of steroid anti-inflammatory drugs gives more pronounced results, especially given the fact that preoperative retinal thickness was higher in patients who underwent therapy with betamethasone, but the results after treatment was still the best. It should be noted that patients with complicated ophthalmic history (the presence of diabetic retinopathy) had the worst morpho-functional results in the preoperative period and after cataract surgery, was shown in large figures the thickness of the retina ( in contrast to patients who had no comorbidity). At the end, we can say that: 1. The presence of concomitant pathology of the retina increases the percentage and rate of emergence of retinal edema after cataract phacoemulsification. 2. Corticosteroids of various forms of editions in 100% of cases is an excellent method for the treatment of postoperative macular edema. 3. Subtenon corticosteroids can effectively reduce the thickness of the retina in the postoperative period after cataract phacoemulsification.


phacoemulsification, the introduction of subtenon injections, macular edema


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 323-326 pages, index UDK 617.735-072.1:617.741-004.1