Bul’ko I. V.


About the author:

Bul’ko I. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. The bodies of the immune system and immunocompetent blood cells are able to very quickly and finely respond to changes in environmental conditions. The combination of benign qualities crystalloid component and low starch tetra occurred during the process of creating a new hyperosmolar colloid infusion solution HAES-LX- 5 %. The purpose of the study – to establish morphological signs of damage and compensatory-adaptive changes in rats’ spleen after 14, 21 and 30 days after the burn skin II-III degree and manifestations of damage correction resulting from use of integrated infusion of colloid-hyperosmolar solutions HAES-LX- 5%. Materials and methods. Experimental studies of burn injury were made on 30 rats of both sexes weighing 150-170 g. In the group number 1 (control group — 10 animals) were rats without care after for 5-6 minutes intravenous infusion of the inferior vena cava 0,9% NaCl solution at a dose of 10 ml/kg. The group number 2 (10 animals) – rats with burns, which was performed for 5-6 minutes intravenous infusion of the inferior vena cava solution of 0,9% NaCl solution at a dose of 10 ml/kg. The group number 3 — the rats with thermic injuries, which was performed for 5-6 minutes intravenous infusion of the inferior vena cava solutions HAES-LX- 5% (10 animals). Results and discussion. The morphological changes of the structural components of the spleen in the later stages of the experimental burn injury after a pharmacological correction of a new infusion solution HAES-LX-5% have been installed. On the 14 day there was statistically significant increase of cell growth continued by 14.8 % in comparsion with intact animals. In the future, the number of cells in S- phase decreased. Compared to intact animals on the 30, 60, 90 days the cells in this phase were less by 13.2%, 22.0%, 40.0% respectively. Comparison of distribution of nuclei in the kidney cortex cell cycle of immature and mature animals showed that the number of cells in S phase 7 and 14 days was statistically more higher (by 23.6% and 17.5% respectively) in immature. Conclusions. After use in the treatment of burn trauma 5% solution HAES-LX on the 14 day in the spleen myelopoiesis processes become more intensive and are enhanced by 21 days. A characteristic feature of the effect of HAES-LX is a significant expansion of the marginal zone surrounding the white pulp lymphocytic cells, starting from the 14 -day observation period.


spleen, morphological changes, burn injury, HAES-LX-5%


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 360-363 pages, index UDK 612.46:616.61-089.878:611.61.018