Vovk Yu. N., Vovk O. Yu.


About the author:

Vovk Yu. N., Vovk O. Yu.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Further development of the doctrine of individual anatomical variability should be directed: 1. In the study of anatomical variability with age characteristics of tissues, organs and systems in the aspect of maximizing range limits within the age, sex and individual groups on the basis of modern methods of variation statistics, mathematics and cybernetics. 2. The establishment of complete individual characteristics of the body's systems in the age limits for subsequent modeling and correction of the abnormal forms and functions and social and biological rehabilitation of the person. 3. On further somatotype age differentiation, selection as common to all, and the characteristic morphological features that are unique to a certain age. Isolation somatotypes age should be deeply scientifically justified nomenclature worked out, successively contain indexing and mathematical processing. 4. Applied anatomy study of age in order to identify compensatory-adaptive features (adaptive form), the development of new methods of functional diagnostics and treatment. Acquires the value of a detailed and systematic study of the relationship of volume of regional elements of the vasculature in different people, the relationship area of the cross section, the possibility of blood supply due to the extra- and intra-organ vessels, based on the total graphic-mathematical modeling. In this regard, the study of vascular relations should be directed to the refined anatomic variability, taking into account age, gender and body type. Further knowledge of how various factors effect on the human body, depending on the profession, seniority and working conditions, age, his potential and others. The development of the doctrine about individual anatomical variability, no doubt due to the professional activities of modern people. Therefore, the results of such studies are necessary for physical fitness of the individual, changes in technology substantiation of rational methods of physical activity, regulation of working hours and the development of rehabilitation measures. In this regard, further studies are subject to morphological changes of individual organs, systems and tissues associated with adaptation to professional activities, health and safety standards of working conditions, neuropsychiatric and emotional manifestations. Very promising doctrine about individual anatomical variability for sports medicine. Individual limits the maximum permissible load, the optimal development of the dominant system, the role and the possibility of "back-up systems" athlete - all this forms the basis of modern medical control of health condition of the athlete. Therefore, knowledge of forms of individual anatomical variability, the potential of organs, systems and tissues of the human body necessary for a healthy lifestyle.


individual anatomical variability, prospects of researches, morphology, anthropology, sports medicine


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 376-379 pages, index UDK 611.068