Vovk O. Yu., Ikramov V. B., Sukhonosov R. A., Shmargalev A. A.


About the author:

Vovk O. Yu., Ikramov V. B., Sukhonosov R. A., Shmargalev A. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The vault of skull (fornix) is the roof of the head and brain, brain forming protection and vital structures located therein. A number of authors studied the characteristics of the structure of the skull, its bone formation, considered in the age and the individual aspects, will highlight a science - craniology. We should not forget that the cranial vault is the main field for surgical approaches to different parts of the brain, in which are carried out and a burr hole formed the necessary different shapes and sizes. Due to the active development of neurosurgery, vascular surgery, microsurgical technology development and implementation cranio-plastic operations and diagnostic procedures, it becomes evident the need for further study of individual features of the structure shape, size, position and structure of the cranial vault. The vault of skull is the upper part of the semi-oval shape of the head with a significant value range in size, gender, age and individual structure of the skeleton and body. The vault fully formed bone container for the brain and its structures. The vault of skull has a pronounced longitudinal range of parameters in adults. So, the main length of the cranial vault corresponds to the length of the skull and the distance between two craniometric points: gl (glabella) and op (opistocranion). This parameter ranges from adult males from 17.0 to 19.5 cm, making the amplitude variation of 2.5 cm; in female – from 16.2 to 17.5 cm with an amplitude of 1.3 cm lengths. It was found that in the brachymorph shape of the skull length cranial vault varies from 17.0 to 17.9 cm (x¯= 17,37 cm, σ = 0,545, m = 0,198) in men and x¯= 16,56 cm, σ = 0,5620, m = 0,185 – for women, while there is a variation of the amplitude of 0.7-0.9 cm when mesomorph form range of the parameter of the cranial vault does not exceed 17,8 - 18,3 cm (x¯= 17,98 cm, σ = 0,385, m = 0,115) in men and 16.7 - 17.2 cm (x¯= 16,95 cm, σ = 0,411, m = 0,121) in female and forms amplitude variation within a 0.5 cm in both genders. Accordingly, in the dolichomorph form set range of variability of the length of the vault in male from 18.0 to 19.5 cm (x¯= 18,87 cm, σ = 0,628, m = 0,170) and in female: the range from 17.0 - 17.5 (x¯= 17,22 cm, σ = 0,630, m = 0,168), variants having the amplitude of 1.5 and 0.5 cm, respectively. This indicates a genetically reasonable relationship gradually increasing the longitudinal setting of the cranial vault from brachymorph to meso- and dolichomorph. The study established a range of basic morphometric parameters of the cranial vault with a predominance of all parameters in males. It defines the expression the dependence of the longitudinal parameters of the cranial vault on the type of structure of the head, with their progressive increase from brachymorph to dolichomorph. The statistical analysis revealed laws, confirming their importance.


bones of the skull vault, the brain department of skull, adult people, morphometry, craniometry


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (128), 2016 year, 380-383 pages, index UDK 611.714.1.068. – 053.81/.85