Sukhonosova O. Yu.


About the author:

Sukhonosova O. Yu.



Type of article:

Scentific article


An important task of modern child neurology is to study the course of epilepsy in children. This is due to many factors, such as significant prevalence of this disease among children, high degree of disability, its effect on a body of a child, which is still growing and forming, growing number of ways to assess the effectiveness of therapy. The purpose of the work is to analyze scientific literature and to study modern scientific trends in defining quality of life in pediatric neurology, in particular for epilepsy, the methodology for assessing quality of life in order to determine the direction of further research and implementation in practical medicine. The analysis of scientific articles on the topic in search engines Google Academy, PubMed, as well as results of the author’s own research on the topical issue of modern children’s neurology, which is epilepsy in children, is presented. The particular importance of childhood and adolescence for the whole future life of a person is noted. Emotional factors, limitations in the social sphere, dependence on environmental factors accompanying a child with epilepsy from the first years of life, may be more important for him and his parents than the symptoms of the disease themselves. Therefore, a combination of data to determine the quality of life and clinical indicators can provide a complete picture of the effect of epilepsy and its treatment on the general well-being of a patient. Currently, the effectiveness of the treatment of epilepsy in children is assessed mainly on such indicators as the degree of remission, reduction in the frequency and decrease in the severity of attacks, severity of changes according to instrumental methods of research. But scientists agree that the goal of treating epilepsy is to improve the quality of life of patients. The article presents the definition of the term “quality of life” in a general sense, “quality of life associated with health”, the history of development of the science of quality of life, tools and requirements for them, according to international standards for assessing quality of life, modern questionnaires and legal aspects of assessing the quality of life in children with epilepsy. Directions for further research on the quality of life in children with epilepsy and introduction into medical practice are identified.


epilepsy, children, quality of life.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 50-58 pages, index UDK 616.853-053.2:613.95