About the author:
Han I., Porokhovska N., Bodnaruk N., Furdychko A., Fedun I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article presents a comparative evaluation of the dynamics of the reparative process in bone tissue under the influence of the drug MTA and compositions based on beta-tricalcium phosphate and calcium hydroxyapatite containing organic biorevitalizers. The experiment was performed on 100 white rats, on which the bone defect was created that was left under a blood clot in one group of experimental animals, and was filled with the biomaterials studied in the other groups. From the experiment, the animals were removed on 14, 30 and 90 day by decapitation under anesthesia. The activity of lipid peroxidation processes was investigated in serum and bone homogenate by the content of the final product of malondialdehyde and enzymes of the antioxidant system – catalase and superoxide peroxidase. The destruction process was accompanied by excessive initiation of free-radical oxidation and a decrease in the activity of AOS enzymes. In the group of animals where destructively altered bone tissue was filled with MTA, the MDA content in blood serum increased in 2,2 time, and the activity of both antioxidant enzymes decreased in 1,4 time compared to the intact group of animals (p <0,001). In case of using compositions based on β-TKF and HA, a lower intensity of POL processes and higher antioxidant activity were observed. In particular, in the group of animals, where the composition based on β-TKF and organic biorevitalizants was used, the concentration of MDA in the blood serum increased in 2 times compared to intact animals (p <0,001), and in the group of animals, created bone defect of which was filled with a similar composition based on HA, the content of MDA exceeded the control values in only 1,9 time (p <0,001). At the same time, the activity of SOD and catalase enzymes was higher than that of animals using the MTA preparation (p <0,001). This course of the inflammatory process created more favorable conditions for the regeneration and mineralization of bone tissue in the injury zone compared to the group of animals where the bone defect was not filled with biomaterial or the group where MTA was used. The use of the proposed composition based on calcium hydroxyapatite and biorevitalizers contributed to the restoration of balance in the system of POL and AOS in earlier periods. In particular, in the group of animals where the bone defect was filled by the HA-based composition, all indicators of the POL-AOS system came close to those of the intact group of animals. Quite less positive dynamics was observed in the group of animals where the β-TCF-based composition was used, the MDA content was still higher than that of the intact animals. Changes in serum levels correlated with similar values in bone homogenate. By the time of 90 day after the destruction model in groups of animals, bone defect of which was filled with compositions based on β-TCF and HA, the return of the POL indicators and the activity of AOS enzymes to the indicators of the control group was observed in the hemogenate of bone, indicating the balance between the functioning of these two systems. In our opinion, the positive dynamics of the course of lipoperoxidation processes in groups of animals where the compositions were used is related to the antioxidant properties of their components. This helped to restore the structure of biomembranes, reduce the activity of the inflammatory process and created the conditions for better regeneration. Compositions based on β-TCF and HA had a positive effect on bone tissue regeneration compared to groups where biomaterials were not used or generally used drug MTA was used.
biomaterials, regeneration, malonic dialdehyde, catalase, superoxide dismutase
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 106-111 pages, index UDK 616-018.4-003.93:612.015.1:615.272.2]092.9-001.5