About the author:
Gromova A. M., Berezhna V. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Intrauterine growth retardation of fetus has been and still remains the main reason for high prenatal disease rate with further disabilities. Treatment of such babies is the first-priority economical problem of health care in developing countries. Newborn babies with low weight of pre-gestation age are included into the group with extra risks. In case of further decline of height-weight indicators, short-term and long-term disorders of newborn baby are detected. Intrauterine growth retardation of fetus is practically caused by any aberration of physiological processes during pregnancy. Disorders in mother’s body can lead to the placental insufficiency, decrease of placental circulation and hypoxia. Oxygen and nutrient deficiency prevents the healthy development of brain and increases the risks of such neurological disorders as infantile cerebral palsy, epilepsy, mental retardation, difficulties in behavior and studies. In-depth study of the failure of mother’s body adaptation should start with the retrospective examination of gynecological and infection anamnesis of women in order to detect the risk factors and comprehend therapeutic capabilities for timely correction of these conditions. The purpose of the work – to evaluate the peculiarities of gynecological anamnesis and newborn condition in order to detect the risk factors of intrauterine growth retardation of fetus in women. Object and methods. 63 women who gave birth to low-weight babies (primary group) and 63 women who gave birth to healthy babies with normal anthropometric measures (control group) were included into the retrospective analysis. The parameters of gynecological anamnesis, infection type and newborn condition were analyzed. Results. Detected gynecological diseases of the women of primary group mainly include uterine leiomyoma – 5 women (7.9%) and infertility – 6 women (9.5%); cervical erosion is often determining and accompanying factor of consolidated pathology in women of both groups. Bacterial infection of genitourinary system (bacteriuria and bacteria carrier of cervical canal) reliably and most commonly accompanied the pregnancy of women of primary group (11 women, 17.5%, and 21 women, 33.3%, respectively).The following parameters were estimated among the newborn babies: intrauterine decrease of weight-height indices by Ballard score (88.88%), low body weight from 1500 to 2500 g; also there were complications in health condition in reference to nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and fetal congenital anomalies. Conclusions. Obtained data indicated that intrauterine growth retardation of fetus can point to the complex correlation of pathogenetic changes, which can be caused by gynecological diseases and infection, which join together and influence on the further development of baby favoring different disorders in reference to nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
gynecological factors, infection, intrauterine growth retardation
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 116-120 pages, index UDK 618.1:618.33