About the author:
Mustafaeva S. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Goal. Determine the frequency of occurrence of Time in range indicators in people with different degrees of degradation of the glucose control system. Methods. 125 people were examined. The research material was collected during the survey by DMG devices – MiniMed (Medtronic, USA), FreeStyle Libre (Abbott, USA), Dexcom 4G (Dexcom, USA). Data were evaluated based on the number of glucose determinations and the frequency of normal glucose values in 4 groups: group 1 (n = 8) – persons without diabetes (persons without carbohydrate metabolism disorders (n = 4) and persons with prediabetes (n = 4); group 2 (n = 25) – patients with type 2 diabetes on insulin-free therapy; group 3 (n = 45) – patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on insulin therapy (combined therapy of hypoglycemic peroral drugs with extended-acting insulin (n = 9) and intensive insulin therapy (n =36); group 4 (n = 47) – patients with type 1 diabetes. Passport data was registered for all the examined patients, information was collected about the current treatment, the presence of hypoglycemic therapy, and whether the treatment was performed with insulin or non-insulin hypoglycemic drugs. Diagnosis of diabetes and detection of prediabetes and ascertaining the normal state of carbohydrate metabolism were carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Azerbaijan Association of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Therapeutic Training and the American Diabetes Association. Results. The total number of glucose studies was 11085 in the group without diabetes mellitus, 38727 in the group with type 2 diabetes mellitus without insulin therapy, 77616 in the group with type 2 diabetes mellitus on insulin therapy, and 82292 in the group with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The relative «risk» of determining glycemic parameters outside the target range (>180 mg/DL or >10.0 mmol/l) was minimal in individuals without DM and was 0.312; 0.208; 0.150 compared to the SD2 BIT, SD2 it and SD1 groups, respectively. The relative «risk» of determining glycemic parameters outside the target range was highest in the SD1 group. Conclusions. The frequency of occurrence of glucose values in the target range corresponded to 92.1% in the group of people without DM; 74.7% in the group of PEOPLE with SD2 bit; 62.2% in the group with SD2 it; 47.5% in the group with SD1 (differences between the groups in all cases were statistically significant (p < 0.0001)). The data obtained indicate that the frequency of occurrence of the Time in range indicator decreases with the degradation of the glucose control system.
long-term glucose monitoring, glycohemoglobin, «Time in range» indicator, diabetes mellitus.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 167-170 pages, index UDK 612.015.32:616.379-008.64