About the author:
Gerzanych N. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article emphasizes the importance of acquiring and improving of an important professional skill of a medical specialist – communicative competence and the formation of quality of constructive communication skills in the environment of colleagues and, of course, with patients. The essence of the concept of professional communication and its aspects in the training and work of interns in the course of postgraduate education are clarified. The results of the indisputable necessity of a comprehensive approach to the education of interns in the modern conditions of modernization of medical education in the country are summarized, including the need to form an empathic, highly cultural and deeply moral personality of a doctor. The article emphasizes that the most productive methods of communicative competence formation are interactive practice sessions, where each intern is able to communicate with patients and medical staff of the clinic, as well as clinical situations, which mimic the conflicting points or other interpersonal misunderstandings problematic situation and its analysis in the group. Clarified are some points about postgraduate study, in which dental practitioners are involved in educational medical communication forms that are optimal for enhancing and deepening of their awareness in the professional theoretical knowledge base and, at the same time, are resourceful for the acquisition and further improvement of practitioners’ professional skills. The above mentioned forms of communication include: traditional forms of communication – oral, written, printed, and special place is occupied by the newest form – Internet communication, which offers exceptional opportunities and access to geographically unlimited professional information resources. Underlined are some skills required in the physician’s communicative competence in performing his daily tasks: initiate and make resorsful contacts, form a positive first impression, competently ask questions and answer the questions, concisely, clearly and politely speak, be able to listen to the teacher, colleagues, express and clarify their own position, read and interpret non-verbal signals of the patients, relieve emotional tension in the conversation. Clarified is a matter of thorough formation of interns’ comprehensive professional competence during his training in the course of postgraduate education, in which the study of communication quality strategies are basic and necessary components. Many of these skills, of course, are refined with the experience of further independent work in clinical settings, but their basic principles and proper boundaries must be laid in the behavioral scenarios of the intern before leaving the walls of high education. The article focuses on substantive element of the postgraduate education of dentists that is the psychological aspects of medical activity, which should be incorporated in the methodological development of the educational process, the program and the sequence of their study must be developed and rationalized together with psychologists. Underlined is the statement that tolerance in professional relationships and communication is realized through speech and behavioral interaction during practical classes, seminars, patient admission. The efforts of the teacher are largely aimed at teaching interns of collaboration, interaction, trust, teamwork, finding solutions to discussion issues through open and constructive dialogue, group discussions in the form of medical consultations. Developing of effective communication skills, the ability to be tolerant in the future helps interns not only in their work issues, but also in discovering their own potential, personal creative development in the profession, and thus, society receives a high level specialists.
communicative competence, communication, postgraduate education, dentist, interactive teaching methods.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 227-230 pages, index UDK 378.147+614.253.4+616.314