Dovganych N. V., Frych N. I.


About the author:

Dovganych N. V., Frych N. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The article deals with the introduction of new innovative teaching methods into the educational process, as well as the improvement of the existing ones in teaching medical parasitology. Methods of business game for solving situational tasks (case method), which allow not only to stimulate cognitive activity and independence of students in solving educational tasks, but also to ensure professional orientation in combination with individual approach in learning. These methods make it possible to solve the following problems: mastering practical skills of comprehensive situation analysis; prompt decision-making – the ability to request additional information to clarify the initial situation; discretion in decision making; mastering the hands-on experience of operant conditioning. It is stated that there is a necessity to develop new methods and forms of interaction between the teacher and the student, to stimulate critical learning activity, which is one of the conditions of the credit-modular system. This approach to the teaching-methodical process will promote the boost of students’ academic motivation as well as their ability to form practical skills. This paper discusses the implementation of the latest teaching methods, such as: business game method, situational problem solving and case method, which enable every student to show initiative, independence of thought, and encourage them to employ problem solving methods on the basis of their personal knowledge and life experience. Each student should act as a leader and take the responsibility for the right decision. An example of a situational task is provided. The condition of which implies a specific clinical setting. The students are divided into six groups, two in each. One of the students reproduces patient’s complaints and tells about the clinical manifestations of the disease. These two students take on the role as doctors, one paying attention to the morphology and life cycle of the parasite, the other discussing the pathways of the parasite and specifying the origin of the patient. The second group describes the clinical manifestations of the disease and patient’s complaints. Students who take on the role as laboratory assistants describe the laboratory diagnosis of helminthiasis. The third group of students makes a preliminary diagnosis based on clinical manifestations and laboratory diagnosis of the disease, while characterizing helminth gross specimen and sectioned slide of blood fluke. The last group of students outlines methods of personal and public prevention of helminth infestation. The tutor sums up the business game, evaluates the work of all students who participated in the discussion. The method of specific situation (case method) is implemented along with traditional methods at tutorials. This method enables students to generalize students’ knowledge of the life cycle of the parasite, to make a preliminary diagnosis and identify methods of prevention of the disease. The method of specific situations promotes students’ ability to work in a team to solve the task, to develop practical and research skills at the preclinical stage, to generate interest and positive motivation to study. It is worth noting that the search character, autonomy at all stages of work, possibility of a teamwork approach to solving a problematic issue is characteristic of student activity.


interactive learning, method of business game, case method, module credit system.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 231-234 pages, index UDK 378.147+617.253.4