About the author:
Kocherzhat O. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In the context of medical education reform and medical system in general, having Bologna teaching system in Ukraine, both theoretical and practical training of medical specialists is extremely relevant. The clinical program is one of the main methods of teaching the art of treatment and makes it possible for a student to learn both from the patient and with patient. The application of knowledge acquired during the lectures, and clinical skills required for clinical practice of medical doctor is done by working out on certain educational models at the wards. The observation of work of medical personnel on different levels and interaction of the employees of one or several units should help the students to develop the examples of professional behavior. The direct work of students with patients provides for not only development of the specific practical skills of surveying and examination of patients, but also professional behavior modeling. This possibility of active training in real situations stimulates critical thinking, combines different skills and promotes the development of decisionmaking ability. Both teachers and students should understand that the key component in practical performance evaluation is the level of involvement of a student into the process of clinical case solving and individual progress in practical skills acquisition. Such approach is efficient in overcoming fear of mistake and public judgment that are frequently expressed in students, and stimulates the desire of personal and professional growth. The ability to formulate oral and written reports on the results of patient’s primary examination is important; logic and consistency of substantiation are also evaluated, as well as the ability to focus on the main points. The main and final methodology of R.I.M.E program students’ clinical teaching is the E-educator concept, when the students work on profound study of the material with consideration of the experience with patient and difficulties confronted, and also share knew knowledge with others. This stage also includes the search and presentation of arguments in support of own clinical decisions, appointments and recommendations. The use of active technologies, concepts and models of education in the process of medical students’ training at the institutions of higher education enables the successful development of clinical thinking and forms the professional and general cultural principles, stimulates and induces the cognitive activity of the students. This is exactly the algorithm of practical activity at the patient’s bed that will make the student master not only the theoretical part of the learnt discipline, but also acquire the practical skills which are an integral part of the work of a future medical specialist.
clinical education, clinical thinking, medical education
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 234-237 pages, index UDK 372.8+61+614.253.4