About the author:
Luchko O. R.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The most important component of the pedagogical system and an integral part of the educational process in higher medical school is test control (TC), the main purpose of which is to evaluate the level of mastering students’ knowledge to improve the process of training future specialists. According to the common goal, the following main functions of the TC can be distinguished: 1) diagnostic; 2) learning; 3) organizing; 4) educational. The diagnostic function is aimed at collecting, analyzing and interpreting assessment results to determine the real level of student knowledge. The learning function reflects students’ mastery of the content of education. The organizing function is expressed in the impact on the organization of the educational process. Depending on the results of the control, the teacher makes appropriate changes in the learning process, which are manifested in new approaches, forms, methods and didactic teaching tools, reflecting the educational function. The test is a set of tasks of increasing complexity that allow you to accurately evaluate the knowledge, skills and other characteristics of the student’s personality that interest the teacher. The increasing complexity includes completeness, systematicity, scientific character, strength. According to the content of the control tasks, the test must meet the following requirements: 1) a clear set of test tasks; 2) the optimum level of complexity; 3) reliability; 4) validity; 5) ability to evaluate the student’s knowledge on the level of formation of his creative experience. The following rules must be followed in order to complete the test tasks: 1) the number of tasks in the test should be such as to fully cover the test material; 2) the form of the tasks should be varied and depend on the subject of testing. Any test consists of the following elements: 1) instructions for testing; 2) the text of the test task; 3) answer options.Test tasks in their function are divided into open and closed. Open tests imply a free answer, and closed tests have one correct variant and various form of the problem statement. Closed tests include tests for recognition, validity, addition, compliance, sequence of actions, construction, in the form of a situational task. At the Department of Internal Medicine Dental Faculty named after Prof. M.M. Berezhnytsky Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, for the purpose of current control of students’ knowledge, test tasks of both closed and open type are used. For final control of students’ knowledge and skills, various forms of testing are used in a single test card, and their level of complexity is gradually increasing. The test task consists of the following scheme: first question – the reproductive level (to find out where you need to determine a known concept by the proposed definition); second task is presented in the form of a classification test; in the third task, you may be asked to find a definition of the relevant concept; the fourth task can be submitted in the diagnostic aspect; the fifth task may be in the form of determining a sequence of actions. This approach allows to objectively evaluate the knowledge and take into account various aspects of educational activity: the ability to recognize and understand the material, to classify and distinguish the main clinical syndromes, to determine the sequence of diagnostic search, to conduct differential diagnostics, to systematize the stage of medical care.
test, test control, test control technique, student.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 237-240 pages, index UDK 378.147+614.253.4