About the author:
Kostyria O. V., Golodok L. P., Skliar T. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Pathogens of dysbiotic States of the urogenital tract in 105 women aged 20 to 55 were identified by the polymerase chain reaction method. The sensitivity of isolated microorganisms to antibiotics was investigated by the cultural method. To study pathological changes in the presence of a viral agent, 73 patients were additionally examined. According to the results, among 105 women, 57 had various dysbiotic disorders of the urogenital tract against the background of a significant decrease in Lactobacillus spp. In case of pathological states of the studied groups of women, bacterial vaginosis was the most common and makes up 51%, urogenital candidiasis makes up 17% and bacterial vaginosis with fungi of the genus Candida spp. makes up 9%. Bacterial vaginosis is considered as polymicrobic disease which is characterized by decrease in the concentration or absence of Lactobacillus spp. and intensive growth of obligate and facultative anaerobic context-dependent pathogenic microorganisms, where the predominant pathogen is Gardnerella vaginalis. During the study of the incidence of associations of G. vaginalis and A. vaginae among women of different age groups, it was found that associations of microorganisms were more widespread among women of reproductive age and constitute 58.3%, and the lowest among women aged 20 to 25 years and constitute 8.3%. During the study of urogenital candidiasis, it was found that monoinfection represented by fungi of the genus Candida spp. makes up only 13% of the total amount. All other cases (87%) were a combination of infection caused by associations of two or more components, among which the Association of candidiasis and BV is 48%, and candidiasis and ureaplasmaurealyticum infection – 39%. Determination of the sensitivity of the isolated strains of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs was carried out through the disco-diffusion method. Strains of S. agalactiae, S. pyogenes and E. coli were studied. S. agalactiae and S. pyogenes were the most sensitive to ciprofloxatin (100%), and the least sensitive to erythromycin – 62.5% and 85%, respectively. E. coli showed the highest sensitivity to ampicillin and amikacin – 96%, moderate to doxycycline (78%) and aztreonam – 66%. Therefore, the drugs based on ciprofloxacin, ampicillin and amikacin can be recommended for treatment. To further study of the pathological conditions of the urogenital tract of women for the presence of human papilloma virus, 76 patients aged 18 to 50 years (average age is 33 years) were examined. The impact of HPV is more typical for women of reproductive age, confirming numerous data from international studies indicate that in young patients HPV-associated pathologies are more common, although for mature women this problem remains relevant as well. It was found that the leading position in the frequency of detection is HPV of the 16th carcinogenic type and is about 15%. Slightly less common are HPV type 15 (12%), type 31/56 (11% each), HPV type 68 (9%), type 18 (8%), type 52 (7%), and HPV type 33, 59, and 66 (<5%). In addition, studies have shown that the spectrum of isolated types of human papilloma virus is quite diverse and is not limited to only the 18th and 16th types.
PCR in real time, dysbiosis, urogenital tract, child-bearing potential.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 277-282 pages, index UDK 57.579.61:616-078