About the author:
Leybyuk L. V., Rozhko M. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Over the last decade there has been a significant increase in interest among practitioners and scientists in the worldwide diabetes problem. Type II diabetes accounts for 90% of all diseases associated with high blood sugar. The metabolic and vascular disorders resulting from hyperglycemia are progressive in nature. Typically, the clinical changes in the oral cavity are often the first manifestations of diabetes, which is important diagnostic value. In patients with diabetes the clinical and laboratory parameters are different comparing with persons without somatic pathology such as: dryness and pastosity of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, hyposalivation, which leads to an increase in dental plaque; increase in total fibrinolytic activity of the oral fluid; increased bleeding gums. Numerous clinical observations of patients suffering from diabetes, ascertain the fact that diabetes 2-3 times increases the risk of diseases of periodontal tissues, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, and also greatly affects the intensity and severity of vapor destruction often leads to complete loss of teeth and the need for orthopedic treatment with designs of complete removable dentures. Any type of denture is a foreign body and is a complex of inadequate stimulus for the oral cavity. Therefore, the concept of adaptation is inextricably linked to removable dentures. Indicator of antimicrobial systems of the oral cavity may be lysozyme, the activity of which is closely correlated with the level of both non-specific and specific antimicrobial factors of the macroorganism. Urease is an enzyme that is produced not by somatic cells but by bacteria, most of which belong to pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic species. The activity of urease depends on the number of germs of the oral cavity. Comparing the activity of urease of the test sample with a similar indicator in healthy people, we can conclude that the increase or, conversely, decrease the level of microbial contamination of the oral cavity Violation of the interaction of antimicrobial systems of the microorganism with the microorganisms is called dysbiosis, and in diabetes, conditions that contribute to the emergence of dysbiosis, in particular, in the mouth. The aim of our work was to study the antimicrobial factors of the oral cavity – lysozyme and urease and the degree of dysbiosis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the process of adaptation to complete removable plate prostheses. Patients were divided into groups: group I included 104 persons with complete adenitis on the background of diabetes, which made complete removable plate prostheses made of acrylic plastic, group II comprised 80 patients with complete adentia without concomitant endocrinology, complete removable plate dentures made of acrylic plastic. The study material was oral fluid: unstimulated mixed oral fluid was collected in the morning on an empty stomach by spitting for 20 minutes. in measuring tubes. The determination of urease and lysozyme activity and the degree of oral cavity dysbiosis were performed by the enzymatic method proposed by AP Levitsky. The studies were performed in all 3 phases of adaptation: at 3, at 7, and at 28 days after denture placement. During the period of adaptation, a significant decrease in the level of oral dysbiosis was observed to the clinically decompensated form in patients with diabetes mellitus on the processes of adaptation to the prosthesis.
diabetes, complete removable plate prosthesis, adaptation, dysbiosis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (155), 2020 year, 365-368 pages, index UDK 616.314.19:613.2 + 616.738