Delva M. Yu., Delva I. I.


About the author:

Delva M. Yu., Delva I. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. To demonstrate the importance of knowledge of diagnostic criteria for rare types of primary headaches through the description of a clinical case of hypnic headache (HH). Patient M., female, 56 years old, was referred by a neurologist to the educational, diagnostic and treatment center for patients with primary headaches at the Department of Neurological Diseases with Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics of Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy. Patient complained of identical nocturnal attacks of intense headaches only during sleep that occur as rule 15-20 times a month. According to the criteria of the international classification of headache disorders 3rd edition the patient had rare type of primary headache “Hypnic headache” (recurrent headache attacks developing only during sleep and causing wakening, occurring on ≥10 days/month for >3 months, lasting from 15 minutes up to 4 hours after waking, no cranial autonomic symptoms or restlessness, not better accounted for another diagnosis according to International Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition). It had been prescribed indomethacin 100 mg orally 30 minutes before bedtime, omeprazole 20 mg orally after breakfast. Also it was recommended to drink a cup of strong coffee immediately after waking up from headache. After 1 week, the patient reported by telephone that headache attacks stopped. For last two years patient repeatedly sought medical attention, she was examined by family doctor and different neurologists. It was made diagnosis: «Dyscirculatory encephalopathy II stage with cephalgic syndrome», «cervical osteochondrosis with cervicocranialgia». Patient was repeatedly and ineffectively treated with nootropic, metabolic, sedative, analgesic drugs, B vitamins. Thus, neurologists as well as other medical specialists need to know and actively use in their practice international diagnostic criteria for rare types of primary headaches in general and HH in particular


hypnic headache, diagnostic criteria, treatment.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 44-46 pages, index UDK 616.831-009.7-071