Ogorenko V. V., Hnenna O. M.


About the author:

Ogorenko V. V., Hnenna O. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The article presents data on the development and evaluation of the effectiveness of complex therapy of non-psychotic mental disorders in HIV-infected people, which included psychopharmacorrection and psychotherapeutic intervention (cognitive therapy and problem-focused psychotherapy). The comprehensive examination of 114 HIV patients who had mental disorders of non-psychotic register and were treated at the Municipal Institution “Dnipropetrovsk Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control” during 2018-2020, among which there were 56 (49.12%) men and 58 (50.88%) women mostly with heterogeneous orientation (n=102; 89.47%), aged 21 to 62 years, the average age was 39.77 (9.17) years. According to the results of clinical and psychopathological method, which was based on conventional approaches to psychiatric examination, was carried out through interviews using self-developed map of the patient and experimental psychological research methods, including “Color Choice Test” by M. Luscher, methods of psychological diagnosis types of attitudes to the disease and the Bass-Darki hostility questionnaire, the effectiveness of comprehensive treatment in the correction of psychological adaptation was analyzed. According to the results of the study, the frequency of adaptive types of attitudes toward the disease (p <0.001) in HIV-infected with signs of deviant behavior increased statistically significantly, which was 84.34% versus 31.37% before therapeutic interventions. The share of intrapsychic orientation of the disease response decreased from 33.33% to 5.88% with statistically significant significance (p <0.001) and the share of interapsychic orientation of the disease response decreased from 35.29% to 9.80% with statistically significant significance (p <0.001). Comprehensive treatment has had a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of patients and the formation of an adaptive attitude to their disease among this group of patients, reducing aggression on hostility towards other people.


: HIV-infected, complex treatment, psychotherapy, non-psychotic mental disorders, maladaptation, deviant behavior, psychological adaptation.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 101-105 pages, index UDK 616.98:578.828ВІЛ:159.972]-085:615.851:615.035.1