Revenko H. O., Mavrutenkov V. V.


About the author:

Revenko H. O., Mavrutenkov V. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. In addition to the progressive decline and dysfunction of CD4+ T cells, HIV infection leads to intense disorders in the pool of B-lymphocytes. The aim is to investigate the effect of antiretroviral therapy on some indicators of B-cell immunity by determining the level of B-lymphocytes (CD19+ ) in HIV-positive individuals and to establish its relationship with leading hematological, immunological and clinical indicators caused by HIV infection. Materials and methods. 90 HIV-infected patients aged 22 to 60 years were examined. The comparison group consisted of 30 healthy volunteers of the appropriate age group. CD19+ lymphocytes were counted with flow laser cytofluorimetry using monoclonal antibodies. Statistical processing of the results was performed using the licensed computer program STATISTICA v.6.1. Results of the research. Comparison of the content of B cells (populations of CD19+ lymphocytes) in the blood of HIV-positive and HIV-negative adults revealed statistically significant differences (pU<0.001), a significant decrease in the main group, namely: 0.16 (1.10-0.25) G/l against 0.43 (0.22-0.48) G/l in the control group. According to the correlation analysis, an increase in the number of CD19+ lymphocytes when taking ART (rs=0.26; p=0.012), longer experience of this therapy (rs=0.21; p=0.048), the presence of an earlier stage of HIV infection (rs=-0.21; p=0.048) and low viral load (rs=-0.36; p<0.001). Decreased B-lymphocyte content is clearly associated with low levels of leukocytes (rs=0.43; p<0.001), T-lymphocytes (rs=0.42; p<0.001) and CD4+ T-lymphocytes (rs=0.43; p<0.001). Conclusions. With HIV infection, there is a decrease in the levels of B-lymphocytes. There is a recovery in the number of CD19+ lymphocytes when taking ART and, most importantly, the earliest appointment of ART. This could potentially lead to the development of intervention strategies to restore B-lymphocyte function, both for HIVspecific humoral immunity and for responding to vaccination against other infectious agents.


HIV infection, B cells, lymphocytes, adults, antiretroviral therapy.


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«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 112-115 pages, index UDK 611.018.5-056.22:[616.98:578.828ВІЛ616.15]-074:612.017