Bezkorovaуna I. M., Ryadnova V. V., Steblovska I. S.


About the author:

Bezkorovaуna I. M., Ryadnova V. V., Steblovska I. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Modern medical education is currently facing significant challenges due to the need for distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This question applies to almost all types of training. However, medical education has its own specifics, which is associated with the need to work «at the patient’s bed», physical presence during training, practice of medical manipulations, etc. That is why in medicine there has never been distance learning. But the current situation dictates the need to adapt to the existing realities of the disease, as the possibility of infection in the team and the further spread of the disease pose a greater threat than the reduction of communication or professional opportunities. In addition, the current working conditions of doctors raised questions and changes in the methodology of medical education, shifting its directions towards the possibility of virtual communication with the patient, quality medical care while reducing the number of visits to the doctor. Given the need for medical students to master the necessary practical skills in the specialty, it is extremely necessary to involve special simulation programs. No teacher of medical freelance, without being an IT specialist, is able to independently develop such materials, especially for various topics of the medical profession. Therefore, it is very important to join forces of IT specialists from different medical schools to quickly develop the necessary content for its use in distance learning. Distance work with students demonstrated in some students «inability to learn». Ukrainian students are accustomed to a clear study of the textbook, or methodological materials developed at the medical department. Often they do not know how to find Internet resources and use them properly. Therefore, the introduction of such methods in the curriculum as writing literature reviews, essays on the topic chosen by the teacher, etc., allow students to teach the rules of information retrieval, methodology of expression, the ability to analyze a large number of different literary sources. All this is necessary and effective not only during training, but also for self-improvement while working as a doctor.


medical education, distance learning, IT technologies.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 151-153 pages, index UDK 378.147