Haioshko O. B.


About the author:

Haioshko O. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The given research focuses on the finding out and outlining the most considerable aspects the studying process at the Department of Dentistry of the faculty of postgraduate study of State institution of higher learning of IFNMU (Ivano-Frankivs’k National Medical University) faces as well as on the demands of the present-day developments having been in evidence outside the higher educational establishment for the last 13 years. The present trends require from a dentist to opportunely decline the previously gained knowledge, abilities, and skills grasping the new ones. This course of any physicians’ specialization in their professional activities has been integrated intothe term “continuous professional growth”. It was acknowledged at the beginning of the XXIst century and introduced by the World Federation of Medical Education aiming to retain the highest level of knowledge, and abilities as well as their steady advancement due to the demands respectively. The new system of physicians and pharmacists’ professional training has been adopted since 01.01.2010 by Ukrainian Ministry of Health №484 as of 07.07.2010. Our research focuses on analyzing the results of postgraduate education training by specialty “Stomatology” for the period of 2007-2020; determining the professional staff efficiency; outlining the most considerable aspects of the studying process at the Department of Dentistry of the faculty of postgraduate study of State institution of higher learning of IFNMU. Materials and methods. The archived data of the Department of Dentistry of the faculty of postgraduate study were analyzed by the results of final testing of intern physicians’ stomatologists for the period of 2007-2020. This given part of research was objective. The subjective control data were also analyzed both on the part of a lecturer and intern physicians stomatologists. The next criteria were also evaluated: dealings, communication skills, ability to take self-reliable decisions, speaker’s public standing, logic responding to the questions, persuasiveness, mode of speech, style. Research evidence. Analyzing all the data taken for 13 years of department functioning, 3 stages were determined that influenced the studying process achievements of intern physicians stomatologists. I stage – dependence on teaching staff and authorities activities within institution of higher learning; II stage – within Ukraine; III stage – outside of Ukraine as well as at the worldwide level. Owing to the analysis there were found out and outlined the most considerable aspects the studying process at the Department of Dentistry of the faculty of postgraduate study of State institution of higher learning of IFNMU as well as the demands of the present-day developments being in evidence outside the higher educational establishment. When training the intern physicians stomatologists at the first stage, it was developed the basic teaching method. The given method was provided with the next resource components: administrative, staffing, material, financial, innovative, informational, and cultural. It means the internal (within the teaching staff of the department) way of optimization. Furthermore it was developed the process of studying control and techniques. Teaching means and procedures comprised the methodological support of the studying process for the intern physicians stomatologists. It helped to optimize the studying process educational quality for the most of trainees. The teaching process at the II and III stages encouraged teaching staff to search for the newest effective studying techniques. Thus analyzing the educational work of one of the departments of the institution of higher learning made it clear that teaching and administrative staff of medical institution of higher learning of Ukraine possess a good deal of opportunities to offer for intern physicians to achieve the advanced mastering of curricular materials. Conclusion: The chronological analysis of the results of post graduate study when training professionals in specialty “Stomatology”, carried out at the Department of Dentistry of the faculty of postgraduate study of State institution of higher learning of IFNMU proved that for the period of 2007-2020 the activities of teaching staff as well as local and national administration are efficient granting the adequate political, social, epidemiological, and economic conditions and factors authorized by the ruling government of Ukraine, countries bordering Ukraine, no availability of global epidemic and pandemic diseases


analysis, educational work, dentistry, intern physicians.

Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 157-163 pages, index UDK 378.147+614.255+616.341