Yeroshenko G. A., Lisachenko O. D., Klimach T. N., Shevchenko K. V., Grigorenko A. S., Kinash O. V., DonetsI. M.


About the author:

Yeroshenko G. A., Lisachenko O. D., Klimach T. N., Shevchenko K. V., Grigorenko A. S., Kinash O. V., DonetsI. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Today it is prestigious, comfortable and convenient to receive education remotely. Under conditions of quarantine, when contacts between teachers and students are limited, this is the only safe way to get higher education in the whole world. University teachers create the necessary conditions for the provision of quality knowledge to students, providing them with sufficient information resources and demonstration materials. This work is devoted to the study of the attitude of medical students to distance learning in quarantine based on the analysis of the results of their anonymous survey. Using a questionnaire determined the positive and negative sides of distance learning. Thanks to the suggestions and wishes of students, draw conclusions on improving the quality of the provision of educational services to applicants for higher medical education. The analysis of the results of the survey made it possible to draw the following conclusions: 1. Most of the students positively assessed distance learning and noted that in conditions of quarantine it is one of the main sources of educational information. 2. Students prefer to study using the ZOOM platform. 3. Among the advantages of distance learning, medical students noted the possibility of regulating their own load regime. 4. Students consider the disadvantages of distance learning: insufficient personal contact with the teacher; lack of communication with classmates and excessive stress. 5. Suggestions from medical students: use presentations and diagrams more often; the material should be short, schematic and systematic; it is desirable to place all disciplines on one platform; increase the number of pairs on the ZOOM platform. The spread of the coronavirus has made adjustments to the work of all spheres of life, especially the education system, healthcare, and pharmacology. In conditions of limited communication between teachers and students, higher educational institutions independently determine how best to organize the educational process, which platforms to use and how to improve the quality of educational services. When organizing distance learning, it is necessary to take into account the points of view and proposals of both sides of the educational process - those who provide them and those who receive them.


distance learning, medical students, teachers, quarantine, quality of education, questioning.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 163-168 pages, index UDK 378.147:61