Hryhorieva P. V., Khmara T. V., Zamorskii I. I., Leka M. Yu.


About the author:

Hryhorieva P. V., Khmara T. V., Zamorskii I. I., Leka M. Yu.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The article covers the fetal variant anatomy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve during the human fetal period. The study was performed on preparations of the lower limbs of 80 human fetuses of 4-10 months by macromicroscopic preparation, vascular injection, application contrasting of the prepared vessels and nerves of the thigh area, and morphometry. It was found that the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is involved in the innervation of the broad fascia and in the formation of three of four complexes of cutaneous femoral nerves: in the regions of its lateral surface, of the anterior surface of the femoral area and at the border of the anterior and posterior femoral surfaces. The branches of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve form anastomoses along the entire surface of the broad fascia with the branches of the femoral nerve, as well as with the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve. In human fetuses to the skin of the anterolateral femoral surface go not only the branches of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, but in most cases the branches of other nerves of the lumbar plexus, except the occlusal nerve. In some fetuses in the area of the greater trochanter of the femur there were connections of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve with the iliohypogastric nerve and the femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve. Also were defined the connections between the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and the genitofemoral nerve at different levels: in the pelvic region, below the inguinal ligament, at the level of the lateral angle of the femoral triangle, at the upper and middle thirds of the anterior femur. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve forms the connections with the anterior cutaneous branches of femoral nerve at different levels of the anterior femoral region, and in the region of knee joint the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve connects with the branches of the subcutaneous nerve. The zones of displacement between the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and some cutaneous branches (nerves) of the anterior femoral area were determined. Given the fact that the terminal branches of adjacent cutaneous nerves of the femoral area intersect and overlap each other, the bypass pathways of innervation form, due to which, in case of possible damage of one of the nerves, it compensates its insufficiency in some extent. The obtained data in the variant anatomy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve in human fetuses should be taken into account by fetal surgeons during surgeries and access to the nerve.


lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, anatomical variability, fetus, human.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 205-209 pages, index UDK 611.835.44.013