Voloshin O. M., Marushko Yu. V.


About the author:

Voloshin O. M., Marushko Yu. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Background. Age-related immaturity of the immune system, the predominance of the T-helper response of the second type, the intercellular interaction disorder of immune protection components, the lack of immunological memory for previous contacts with pathogens lead to high rates of recurrent respiratory diseases (RRD) among preschool children. Concurrently, up-to-date studies so far indicate multidirectional changes of cellular immunity or, in general, show their absence in children suffering from RRD. The research aim was to study the cellular immunity indicators among RRD children of 1-4 years old against the background of acute respiratory system infectious process. Materials and Methods. Twenty-six children (11 boys and 15 girls) aged one to four years old, undergoing inpatient treatment for acute respiratory disease (ARD), were involved in the clinical study. Two markers of ARD recurrence (infection index and resistance index) and the integral indicator of dolichostenomelia, which was used as the marker of external signs of connective tissue undifferentiated dysplasia, were calculated for each child. The total number of leukocytes and lymphocytes was also determined in blood. In addition, the quantifying of blood lymphocyte populations and subpopulations was carried out by means of flow cytometry. The statistical processing of the obtained digital material was performed by IBM SPSS Statistics 26 licensed program. Only nonparametric statistics methods were applied for this purpose. Results. Numerous relationships between particular blood lymphocyte populations and subpopulations were determined by means of pair and multiple correlation analysis. The results obtained testify to the presence of relevant correlations between the studied cellular immunity indicators. Currently, these results are considered as a subsequent step towards systemic understanding of causes and mechanisms determining the progression of RRD among preschool children. Conclusions. The combinations of reduced, regular and increased values of cellular immunity hematological parameters predominate among the preschool children. There is no relationship between the analyzed indicators of ARD recurrence, on the one hand, and the researched lymphocyte populations and subpopulations, on the other hand. The integral indicator of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia among the examined children does not correlate with the studied cellular immunity indicators. The summation of reciprocal impacts is often found between particular cellular immunity indicators. It is likely to be essential for the child’s body protective systems functioning.


preschool children, recurrent respiratory infections, lymphocytes, undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 337-342 pages, index UDK 616.921.5 - 053; 612.017.1;613.954