Klevakina E. Y., Anikin I. A.


About the author:

Klevakina E. Y., Anikin I. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The purpose of the study was to investigate the diagnostic significance of IL–6 and IL–8 on the development of pulmonary infectious and inflammatory complications in full–term newborn infants with severe and moderate hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy. The study included 60 (100%) full–term newborn infantsin the acute period of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, with Sarnat scoreof II – III, age ≤ 72 hours of age and requiring mechanical lung ventilation (MV). The main group consisted of 30 (50,00%) patients who underwent early tracheal extubation 72 hours after birth and were put on noninvasive nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV). The comparison group consisted of 30 (50,00%) newborns who underwent traditional MV through an intubation tube until their level of consciousness was restored, the court was absent, and regular breathing patterns were established. In order to determine the diagnostic value of interleukin as a marker of infectious inflammatory process in the course of MV at different stages of HIE all newborns were tested for concentration of IL–6 and IL–8 in blood samples by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA). Blood samples were taken on the first and tenth days of stay in the hospital. The analysis of IL–6 concentration in the blood of newborns both in the main group and in the comparison group remained within the specified norms both for the first day of life and for the tenth day of life. The maximal concentration of IL–6 was registered on the first day of life in both groups, but it significantly decreased by the tenth day in the main group (p=0,0002), the rate of IL–6 decrease in the comparison group was significantly lower on the 10th day (p=0,1075). The analysis of IL–8 in blood indicates that during the acute period of HIE in both groups the level of the indicated cytokine during the first day of life was significantly increased in relation to the normative indicators. There was no significant difference between the indicators of IL–8 in the first day of life (p=0,1989). On the 10th day of life the main group of newborns did not have a significantly lower IL–8 as compared to the indicators of the peer group (p=0,4655). There is a clear tendency for the concentration of IL-8 to decrease per 10 days in the main group of children (p=0,0049) and in the newborns of the comparison group (p=0,0249). Conclusions. Isolated determination of IL-6 in blood syringes of full-term infants with moderate and severe HIE as a marker of the development of infectious and inflammatory complications is uninformative. Concentration of IL-8 in newborns with HIE is significantly increased both in the first day of life and ten days after birth, which allows us to conclude that perinatal hypoxia significantly affects the amount of IL–8 and is not a marker of the severity of inflammatory process, which could be caused by the development of asocial disorders associated with MV, which is also confirmed by the absence of correlation links between IL–8 and the duration of stay in neonatal intensive care unit.


: noninvasive lung ventilation, newborns, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, interleukin.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 346-350 pages, index UDK 616.831-005.4-053.3-085.816-07