Mokryk O. Ya., Petrov D. B., Komnatskyi B. Yu.


About the author:

Mokryk O. Ya., Petrov D. B., Komnatskyi B. Yu.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. The article presents the results of the study of clinical efficacy of using of modern methods of conduction anesthesia of peripheral branches of the mandibular during planned surgical interventions in the lateral area of the mandible – atypical removal of the impacted lower third molar (86 cases) and odontogenic cystectomy (61 cases). Depending on the applied methods of conduction anesthesia, patients were divided into three clinical groups. In patients of the control group, the standard intraoral technique of mandibular anesthesia was used according to S. N. Weisblat. In patients of the comparison group was performed torus anesthesia (by Weisbrem’s method). In patients of the main group, a modified method of torus anesthesia was used according to R. B. Sarmanayev – “torusmandibular” anesthesia. The retromolar area was additionally anesthetized with infiltration anesthesia, because of the presence of pain sensitivity. At incomplete loss of pain sensitivity in the area of the lower molars (according to the results of “pin-prick” test and electroodontometry), after conduction anesthesia of the lower alveolar, lingual and buccal nerves, the mylohyoid nerve blockade by our improved method was performed. It was carried out in the mylohyoid groove, located on the inner surface of the body of the mandible. Additionally we performed infiltration anesthesia of the submasseteric space to block the maxillary branch of the great auricular nerve, in case of pain during shell enucleation of the odontogenic cyst, sprouted in the branch of the mandible. During the surgical manipulations, the emotional-motor manifestations of pain stress in patients were evaluated according to the scale of Sounds, Eyes and Motor and autonomic response by perfusion index (PI) and pulse rate. Statistical processing of the study results was performed using Student’s t-test and Pearson’s coefficient χ2 . After analyzing the obtained results of anesthesiological support of planned surgical interventions on the mandibles, it can be stated that there is a relationship between the achieved anesthetic effect and the applied methods of conduction anesthesia. Torus-mandibular anesthesia by R. B. Sarmanayev is statistically significantly more effective than classical mandibular anesthesia according to S.N. Weisblat – χ2 =16,318 (р<0,001) and the standard torus – χ2 =3,864 (р=0,050).


conduction anesthesia, mandible, surgical interventions, pain reaction, psycho-emotional stress.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 369-373 pages, index UDK 617.513-089.5-089.11-036-037