Gubin M. V., Malikhina O. I., Voytov E. O.


About the author:

Gubin M. V., Malikhina O. I., Voytov E. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. Initial forensic medical examination of living persons is not uncommon in cases of closed blunt trauma of organs respiratory system. Purpose of work: Analysis of the features of the initial forensic medical examination to determine the severity of injuries in victims of closed trauma of organs the external respiration, depending on its morpho-clinical characteristics and severity for finding ways to unify the expert assessment. Object and methods. Conclusion of 131 initial forensic medical examinations in cases of blunt trauma of the external respiration organs for five years, were retrospectively analyzed. Forensic medical examinations were carried out in the department of examinations victims, accused and other persons of the Kharkiv regional experts establishment of forensic medical examination. Results. The mechanism of injury was following: in 123 (93,9%) cases there was impact of blunt objects on the neck and chest, in 7 (5,3%) cases there was compression of the neck with hands or other blunt objects, in one (0,8%) case – compression of the neck with hands and a loop. Modern approaches to expert assessment of injuries in these cases have been identified. Severe injuries were estimated in 9 (6,9%) cases of injuries at the event of life-threatening phenomena, as acute respiratory failure, traumatic shock, and mechanical asphyxia. Moderate injuries were determinates in 112 (85,5%) cases, mainly in injuries with fractures of the ribs and cartilage of the larynx in the absence of danger to life conditions. 10 (7,6%) observations of chest injuries in the absence of rib fractures and laryngeal injuries with the occurrence of acute post-traumatic laryngitis were qualified as simple injuries. Conclusions. The lack of a unified scientific and methodological approach of the objective assessment of traumas of organs external respiration leads to expert’s errors. According to the results of the study, ways to further unify the forensic assessment of these injuries were identified


initial forensic medical examination, trauma of organs external respiration, diagnostic criteria, degree of severity injuries.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (159), 2021 year, 386-389 pages, index UDK 340.6.:616.21/.26-001