About the author:
Dychko O. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Cellular adaptive changes, which take place with defects of organism development of different levels of complexity, are a basis for survival of an organism in constantly changing external environment. In different life periods and in different situations significant variations of expressing cellular reactivity occur (active, depressed, irreactivity), they are physiological reactions of adaptation (fittings), but not evidence of the development of any diseases. The goalof the research paper is to study the cellular reactivity of organism of children with scoliosis aged 7 to 10 depending on their sex. Object and methods of the research. The base for the research were: specialized comprehensive boarding school for children with scoliosis in Oleksiievo-Druzhkivka and comprehensive school № 17 in Sloviansk, Donetsk region. Fifteen children aged 7 to 15 with scoliosis (9 boys and 6 girls) took part in the research. There were 22 practically healthy children of the same age (12 boys and 10 girls) in the control group.The cellular reactivity of the organism of the children with scoliosis was determined according to the values of 5 indexes of intoxication by B. A. Rais and Ya. Ya. Kalf-Kalif, the nuclear index of the endotoxicosis degree and the hematological index of intoxication by V. S. Vasyliev. The results of the research and their consideration. The results of the study found that cellular reactivity of organism of children with scoliosis aged 7 to 10 have the first stage of disorder of cellular reactivity in comparison with practically healthy children. These disorders have reactive and positive character. Boys aged 7 to 10 with scoliosis have reduced hematological indicators of intoxication by V. S. Vasyliev by 22,77% in comparison with such indicators of girls with scoliosis of the same age. The indicator of intoxication of boys with scoliosis tends to decrease by 22,06%, nuclear index of the endotoxicosis degree – by 23,26% and leukocyte index of intoxication by Ya. Ya. Kalf-Kalif – by 23,75%. All the above-mentioned facts prove the positive changes of the cellular reactivity of organism of children with scoliosis aged 7 to 10. The one of boys with scoliosis is lower than the one of the girls with scoliosis. It is important that the cellular reactivity of the boys with scoliosis aged 7 to 10 is lower than the one of practically healthy boys of the same age on all the indexes: hematological index of intoxication by V. S. Vasyliev by 30,76%, (p <0,001), leukocyte index of intoxication by B. A. Rais by 11,67%, leukocyte index of intoxication by Ya. Ya. KalfKalif by 8,75%, (p <0,001), the index of intoxication by 27,94% and nuclear index of the endotoxicosis degree by 18,60%. The cellular reactivity of the girls with scoliosis aged 7 to 10 is lower than the indicators of practically healthy girls of the same age who have higher hematological index of intoxication by V. S. Vasyliev by 35,78%, leukocyte index of intoxication by B. A. Rais by 10,87% and index of intoxication by 34,94%. At the same time, leukocyte index of intoxication by Ya. Ya. Kalf-Kalif of girls with scoliosis aged 7 to 10 is higher by 45,59% in comparison with the indexes of practically healthy girls. Conclusion. Comparing above-mentioned indexes, it is necessary to note that cellular reactivity of organism of both boys and girls with scoliosis aged 7 to 10 is lower than the one of practically healthy children of the same age, as well as cellular reactivity of an organism on index of intoxication, leukocyte index of intoxication by B. A. Rais, hematological index of intoxication by V. S. Vasyliev is reduced, the cellular reactivity of boys is also lower on nuclear index of the endotoxicosis degree and leukocyte index of intoxication by Ya. Ya. Kalf-Kalif. The girls with scoliosis aged 7 to 10 have higher cellular reactivity of organism than boys with scoliosis. Thus, cellular reactivity of the organism of children with scoliosis has sex differences at the age of 7 to 10 and depends on an individual indicator that characterizes the degree of cellular reactivity of organism of both boys and girls and requires rehabilitation process and means for improving cellular reactivity of children with scoliosis. Prospects of further research. The content of the paper is the cause for studying the influence of the processes and means aimed at improving the cellular reactivity, at adaptation processes and correction of disorders so the rehabilitation method requires specially selected physical exercises.
children, scoliosis, cellular reactivity
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 118-121 pages, index UDK 616-092.18:616.711-007.5-053.5