About the author:
Kopanytsia O. M., Marushchak M. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The use of carrageenan causes considerable controversy both in the scientific community and in the public, basically, due to the lack of thorough research on its effects on the human body. These allegations substantiate the need for a detailed study of the carrageenan effects on the animal and human organism. In the process of evolution in the human body to the action of various pathogenic factors formed certain adaptation mechanisms, the leading role among which play the biochemical processes of their elimination with the participation of physiologically active substances, including the system of glutathione. Therefore, the study of the thiol-disulfide system is of great importance for the in-depth study of biochemical processes in the usage of carrageenan. We conducted this study to investigate the glutathione redox-system homeostasis (reduced glutathione, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione S transferase activity) in the blood, small intestine, liver and heart tissue in the pathogenesis of experimental alimentary obesity.Experimental studies were conducted on 36 nonlinear white rats weighing 150-180 g, that were housed at 25±3 ° C and humidity of 55±2%, under a 12 h light and dark cycle. The experimental animals had free access to 0.5% and 1,0% carrageenan solution (Sigma Aldrich, USA) in drinking water. Control group of animals received pure water. Laboratory animals were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 consisted of intact animals, group 2 had access to 0,5% carrageenan solution for 30 days, group 3 had access to 1,0% carrageenan solution for 30 days. Material: rat blood, small intestine, liver and heart tissue samples were taken for the study in the morning on an empty stomach after decapitation. The glutathione redox-system activity were analyzed by the level of reduced glutathione, glutathione peroxidase (GP) and glutathione S transferase (GT) activity. The results demonstrate the growth of the content of reduced glutathione (7,9%, p<0,05), GP activity (by 15,8%, p<0,05) and GT activity (by 54,6%, p<0,001) in the tissues of the small intestine in the 2nd experimental group. In the rat liver tissues of the 2nd experimental group, the GP activity decreased by 12,4%, while the activity of GT increased by 12,0%, compared to the control (p<0,05). In blood serum of rats, who consumed 0,5% solution of carrageenan with drinking water, statistically significant higher levels of reduced glutathione were detected (by 9,7%, p<0,05), compared to control values. Analyzing the obtained results in the 3rd experimental group, the reduction in the reduced glutathione content of the small intestine was found to be 22,5%, the GP and GT activity, respectively, decrease by 29,3 and 39,8%, compared to the control. It should be noted that the studied parameters in the 3rd group were significantly lower than in the 2nd group, in particular, the content of reduced glutathione by 30,4%, the activity of GP by 58,4% and GT activity by 94,4% (p<0,001). In the heart tissues of the rats of the 3rd group it was found the increased activity of the GP (24,1%, p<0,01) and GT (by 15,1%, p<0,01), compared to control values, and the tendency of reduced glutathione content to increase. In the liver tissues of the 3rd group, the content reduced glutathione, the activity of GP and GT increased, compared with the control (p<0,01). It should be noted that the studied parameters in the 3rd group were significantly lower than in the 2nd group, in particular, the content of reduced glutathione by 12,1% and GT activity by 29,0% (p<0,01). In the blood serum it was found the decrease in the content of reduced glutathione (17,3%, p<0,01), the increase of activity of the GP (by 17,4%, p<0,01) and GT (by 14,2%, p<0,01), vs control group. It has been established that consumption of 0,5% of carrageenan solution in drinking water in rats is accompanied by activation of the antioxidant defense system in the wall of the small intestine, liver and blood serum. Consumption of 1,0% of carrageenan solution in drinking water is accompanied by statistically significant depletion of antioxidant reserves in the wall of the small intestine and the liver and activation of the glutathione system in myocardial tissues (p <0,01).
carrageenan, glutathione system, tissue, experiment
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 130-135 pages, index UDK 616.34+612.334:577.151.6