About the author:
Hans Manee, Kalinichenko S. V., Sklyar N. I., Dubinina N. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In recent years, in the practice of Otorhinolaryngologists for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis (CT), a high-energy laser has been used. But to date no methods of laser blast have been proposed for practical Health Care, which on the one hand would be aimed at eliminating the pathological process in the palatine tonsils and on the other, would be organ-sparing since it is known that after tonsillectomy the existing imbalance of local and systemic immunological reactivity of the organism not only does not disappear, but can even increase. Significant changes in the level of cytokines in the study of patients immediately after the course of treatment is not manifested. However, after a month of monitoring the patients, a certain normalization of the indices was observed, which were investigated: in patients receiving conservative treatment of the tonsils, the level of IL-10 was on average 1,4 times higher (p<0,05) of the same parameters of patients who had pinpoint laser blast on the tonsils. As for the patients of the III and IV groups, the results of the comparison of the cytokine profile one month after the treatment indicated a more effective therapy in patients who underwent laser tonsilotomy followed by immunomodulation with a drug based on bacterial lysates “Ismigen”. According to the results of the research, it was established that the treatment of patients with chronic tonsillitis with the use of a high-energy laser promoted more active normalization of the immune status indicators in comparison with conservative therapy and classical tonsillectomy. Thus, to improve the efficiency of organ-sparing treatment of patients with chronic tonsillitis, it is recommended to use a high-energy laser.
palatine tonsils, chronic tonsillitis, cytokine profile, pinpoint laser impaction, local immunity, phagocytosis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 209-212 pages, index UDK 616.322-002.2-085.849.19-089(043.3)