About the author:
Skrypko V. D.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article represents the analysis of distance learning of surgical interns. One of the main reasons is the logistical support of the educational process. Technological advances contribute to the use of the latest distance learning technologies in postgraduate education. They provide an opportunity to master the methods of medicinal manipulations management effectively without leaving the main place of work, and without significant material and technical costs. The rapid development of educational and information technologies promotes the use of innovative teaching systems in higher educational establishments adjusted to the modern requirements of the advanced countries of the world. The main task of modern postgraduate education is the transition from the concept of knowledge and skills acquiring and practical skills mastering to the concept of education. The intensive development of information and computer telecommunication systems contributes to the large-scale implementation of distance learning technologies into the educational process of postgraduate training. According to international practices, the introduction of innovative teaching methods in surgeons’ training at the postgraduate stage contributes to the effective tasks assimilation and goals achievement. Such form of information presentation is one of the leading forms of learning in the world. It provides an access for the listener to additional learning material and obtaining knowledge from leading specialists, realization of the possibility of a specialist’s training during a lifetime. The use of distance learning provides an opportunity to reduce the time of material studying due to the speed of the speaker and listeners’ communication, as well as the use of chats, blogs, forums, electronic libraries, video broadcasting. The implementation of a competent comprehensive approach to surgical interns’ training is an important component of the pedagogical process. Its organization influences the success of both theoretical and practical material acquiring. One of the peculiarities of the educational process at our department is the emphasis on the development of intern’s personal characteristics which we direct to broad-based knowledge, the ability to integrate knowledge and practical skills in case of medical care provision in all medicine branches. The introduction of distance learning programs is a time-taking process since curricula must be developed at the proper level to ensure high quality of training. One of the important problems of distance learning use is provision of clinical practice control. Surgeons’ training requires daily practical training and mastering of manual skills in operating rooms, procedure rooms, clinical discussions, in direct contact with patients. This requires a traditional face-to-face encounter with a teacher. However, modern distance learning technologies effectively provide the teacher-intern relationship effectively influencing the study and mastering of theoretical material regardless of individuals’ location. Distance learning use increases opportunities and motivation for postgraduate education. Distance learning educational technologies should be widely implemented in the educational process of surgical departments of postgraduate education at the level of additional professional training. The Department of Postgraduate Surgery is the final stage in the formation of medical specialist. Therefore, it is important that distance learning technologies are widely implemented in the educational process of departments at the level of additional vocational training.
interns, training, distance learning educational technologies
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 240-242 pages, index UDK 614.2 : 6 1