About the author:
Valko О. О., Holovatskyi A. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The data on changes in relative areas of structural components of the iliac lymph nodes of white male rats of reproductive age of a three-week and five-week opioid nalbuphine influence on their bodies have been represented in the article. The experimental research was performed on 19 mongrel white male rats of reproductive age (1.5-2 months old) with an initial body weight of 150-200 g. The animals were divided into 3 groups: I – intact animals; II – animals that received nalbuphine daily for three weeks, according to the scheme: week 1 – 8 mg/kg, week 2 – 15 mg/kg, week 3 – 20 mg/kg; III – animals that received nalbuphine for five weeks according to the scheme: week 1 – 8 mg/kg, week 2 – 15 mg/kg, week 3 – 20 mg/kg, week 4 – 25 mg/kg, week 5 – 30 mg/kg. Experiments on the animals were carried out in accordance with the provisions of the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes (Strasbourg, 1986), European Council Directive 86/609/EEC of November 24, 1986, Law of Ukraine No. 3447 On the Protection of Animals from Cruelty. It has been defined by the morphometric method on the histological preparations of the iliac lymph nodes that a three-week injection of nalbuphine leads to the structural reconstruction of the parenchyma of the iliac lymph nodes. The relative area of cortical substance increases by 4.35% and it is probable (p <0.001) that the relative area of the medulla decreases. Such changes in the relative areas of cortical and medulla lead to a reliable (p <0.01) increase in the cortical-medullary index. The parameters of the structural components of the cortical substance also change: the relative area of the lymphoid nodes of the cortical substance increases – 47.76±1.20 %, at 44.11±1.23 % of the animals of the intact group, and it has been histologically defined that among them the secondary ones prevail, and this leads to the significant increase (p <0.05) of the relative area of their germinals centres that almost double: 15.49±0.43 %, at 7.97±0.09 % of the animals of the intact group whereas their mantle zone reliably decreases (р<0.05). The relative area of the paracortical region is likely to increase (p <0.05). Indicators of relative areas of marginal and cortical intermediate lymph nodes remain almost unchanged. Structural components of the medulla are also affected: there is a decrease of 9.7% of the relative area of the medullary sinusis (p <0.001) and a 5.6% increase in the relative area of medullary cords (p <0.001). In this case, the relative area of cerebral matter remains (p <0,001) reliably smaller by 4,35% after three weeks of the experiment. After five weeks of the experiment, changes in the relative areas of the structural components of the iliac lymph nodes increase. They definitely (p <0.05) differ from the indicators of the intact animals, but they slightly differ from the indicators of group III of the animals (three-week injection of nalbuphine). After five weeks of the experiment, changes in the relative areas of the structural components of the iliac lymph nodes increase. They are likely to differ (p <0.05) from the indicators of the intact animals, but they slightly differ from the indicators of group III of the animals (three-week injection of nalbuphine). Such changes may indicate a chronization of a negative effect of nalbuphine on the organisms of the experimental animals.
lymph node, parenchyma, structural components, influence, nalbuphine
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 270-274 pages, index UDK 611.428:599.23:612.014.46:615.212.7