About the author:
Гандзюк В. А.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The issue of consolidating the quality management systems of medical institutions into an integrated management system, which acts as a mechanism for improving the activities of the Clinical Hospital, is an urgent issue, which allows solving sustainable development issues, taking into account the requirements of all interested parties. Purpose of the study.To conduct an analysis of the self-assessment of the organization / institution / enterprise during the period of its structural and functional restructuring and preparation for certification in accordance with the standards of State standard of Ukraine ISO 9001: 2009. Object and methods of research:when conducting the study, we conducted a content analysis of the content components that form the basis of the concept of “organizational self-esteem”. In carrying out the research, we used the method of a two-way peer review focused on two target groups of participants: “managers” and “employees” who have competent information about the state of the management system in the organization. The self-assessment of the management system was conducted three times in 2008, 2012 and 2016. A total of 488 protocols were completed (127 in the first and second stages and 234 in the third stage of the study). Results of the research and their discussion.In comparison with 2008, based on the data of self-assessment according to the method of FMOM, the overall management assessment increased by 64.55% (p <0.001) and rose to a higher IV level of maturity management. This means that continuous improvement of the quality of management is carried out in a large number of areas. The institution crossed to the 80-point limit (TME medical facility in 2012 was 77.6 ± 0.81 points, in 2008 –51.2 ± 1.68 bulls), which corresponds to the reference management system. Conclusions.In the course of the analysis, we have established that the communication profile shows that in 2008, according to all criteria, the estimates were lower than the maximum possible level (20 points). The categories of organization and motivation received the lowest marks, respectively 8.35 and 7.6 points. Consequently, further management plans for improving the management system were aimed, first of all, at these two areas of improvement.
self-esteem, quality management system, communication profile, TME, quality of medical care
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 322-325 pages, index UDK 614.2:658.14