About the author:
Belikova N. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Pathological mobility of teeth is one of the leading symptoms of periodontitis, and can also be traumatic genesis (dislocation, tooth contusion, mobility after using orthodontic devices); causes functional and morphological disruption of the unity of the dentition, and in the frontal area has a aesthetic defect and disrupts the function of biting of food. In order to analyse mistakes and complications of splinting the frontal teeth of previously performed adhesive splinting using various methods, 73 patients with 75 manufactured designs of adhesive tires were examined. Shinning of teeth was carried out by dentists of the dental care offices in Poltava, Chernivtsi, Poltava and Chernivtsi regions during 2010-2015. Among them 24 (32.0%) structures were made by non-invasive technique, 51 (68, 0%) – by invasive. When inspecting previously made structures, the violation of the edge adhesion of the adhesive tire or its detachment from the tooth surface, splinting was assessed. The marginal fit of the tire was assessed visually, with the help of a dental probe, caries indicators and a diagnostic light guide of a LuxDent photopolymerization lamp with a green spectrum of light. When placing the reinforcing element of the adhesive tire from the oral side of the teeth, which the patients used for about a year, in 32.0% of cases, violations of its marginal fit were detected, in 29.3% – aesthetic deficiencies and violation of diction, and in 28.0% – deterioration of hygiene oral cavity. Among the patients who had an adhesive tooth splinting for more than a year, such complications were established. In 50.7% of cases, depravation of oral hygiene was noted. 46.7% had vestibular teeth displacement, 40.0% had an abnormal fit of the tire, 24.0% had an aesthetic flaw and violation of diction, at 22,7% – chipped sections of the filling material, 16.0% – the presence of defects between the teeth, 8.0% – the detachment of the teeth from the design, in 6.7% – the cracks of the tire, and 4.0% – chipped of crown part of the teeth. Reasons, led to the complications of adhesive splinting are: non-compliance the recommendations given in the instructions of manufacturers during working with reinforcing materials and composites, unreasonable introduction into the design of adhesive tooth tires with the third degree of mobility, the manufacture of tires for patients with low level of oral hygiene, carrying out splinting with abnormally located teeth (fan-shaped differences in teeth, crowding of teeth, vestibular and oral inclinations) without orthodontic preparation, adaptation of the adhesive tire to the interdental spaces with the help of fishing line, flosses, dental probe without the use of rubber wedges and the like.
abnormal mobility of teeth, adhesive splinting, errors and complications
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 351-355 pages, index UDK 616.314.17-008.1-76