About the author:
Kononova O. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Psychological stress is an important factor in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. It is important to determine the relationship between psychosomatic stress and periodontal disease. For the treatment of stress in patients with generalized periodontitis, a medicinal composition is proposed. It is important to determine its antioxidant effect for the experimental substantiation of its periodontioprotective action. Objective:to determine the psychosomatic state of the inhabitants, the effect of psychological stress on the periodontal tissue and the experimental substantiation of the drug composition for the neutralization of the stress state. Methods:to study subjective human responses to the effect of various environmental factors a specially designed questionnaire is advisable to be used. To diagnosis of anxiety level was made by means of a self-determination test including reactive and personal anxiety according to Spielberger. Adrenaline stress was made in rats by oral application of gel with adrenalin in dose 0,36 mg/kg during 10 days. Lincomycin was introduced with drinking water in dose 60 mg/kg. The gel of adrenoblocators (zocson + nicergolin and sibason) was introduced by application in dose 0,6 mg/kg. The activity of catalase, contents of malonic dialdehide (MDA) were determined into serum and antioxidant-prooxidant index of API was calculated. Results.Testing by means of Spielberger test showed a moderate level of reactive anxiety among respondents –34.72±2.45 and a high level of personal anxiety –50.64±3.58. In patients with a high level of personal anxiety, a significantly higher prevalence of periodontal disease, especially generalized periodontitis, has been detected. Experimental studies have shown that gel adrenoblockers increases activity of catalase, reduces the content of MDA and normalizes the antioxidant-prooxidant index of AIP. Conclusions.A high level of personal anxiety –50.64±3.58 leads to a significant increase in the prevalence of periodontal diseases –95,09±6,7%, especially generalized periodontitis –88,72±6,5%. Oral application of the gel with adrenoblocators made an antioxidant effect after the modeling of adrenaline stress by administering animals to adrenalin and lincomycin.
reactive and personal anxiety of residents, periodontal diseases, adrenaline stress, adrenoblocator, antioxidant action
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 355-359 pages, index UDK 616.314. – 17-008.18-002