About the author:
Levandovskyi R. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
For the rehabilitation of patients after resection of the upper jaw, a large number of various instruments are used. Prostheses after resection are a special kind of equipment that requires a certain algorithm of action, a dental laboratory and a trained dental technician. Final prosthetics is possible after a certain period of time due to the unpreparedness of the tissues of the prosthetic bed and their ability to transmit the force during the action of this equipment in the cavity of the postoperative defect. For prosthetics patients after resection of the upper jaw we offered permanent rehabilitation, which included the manufacture of various designs, starting at the operating room. As the final version of rehabilitation for nine patients after resection of the upper jaw for organic diseases, intellectually active resection equipment was made. With help of this resection equipment six people (66.67%), among them three men (50.00%) and three women (50.00%) were using at different times – until the end of their lives. Another three (33.33%) patients, among them one (33.33%) a man and two (66.67%) women use this equipment to this day. The use of intellectually active resection equipment with palatine articulation at long-term observation had positive results. In no case, while using it there was no loss of supporting natural teeth or artificial supports (dental implants), there was no need to redo resection prostheses. Long-term observation of the resection equipment proposed by us with a palatal joint indicates the possible problems with locks, especially their erasing and reduction in the diameter of the balls from 1.8 mm to 1.6-1.4 mm, which required the timely replacement of the matrices. Further research should be carried out in terms of developing a more stable and long-lasting unit for connecting the mobile and fixed parts of the resection equipment.
maxilla resection, intellectually active resection equipment, long-term results
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (142), 2018 year, 364-367 pages, index UDK 616.314-76-037:616.716.1-089.87