About the author:
Chornobay A. V., Chornobay M. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Stomach cancer remains one of the most common oncological diseases and occupies the fourth place in frequency in the structure of cancer. The aggressive course of gastric cancer, early dissemination requires the development of additional systemic treatments. Adjuvant chemotherapy reduces the risk of death by 18.0% and improves overall survival by 6.0%. The efficacy of Adjuvant chemotherapy does not depend on the depth of tumor invasion into the stomach wall. Adjuvant chemotherapy is more effective in the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes. The use of Adjuvant chemotherapy significantly reduces the number of relapses. Conducting neoadjuvant polychemotherapy in patients with locally common forms of gastric cancer improves long-term treatment outcomes than purely surgical group. The five-year overall survival rate increased by 13% and was 36%, respectively. The use of HT in a common Stomach cancer leads to a reduction in the risk of death compared with symptomatic therapy (risk ratio) 0.39, 95%, an increase in the median of overall survival from 4.3 months to 11 months. Perspective use of cytostatics: taxanes, irinotecan. The drug received the FOLFOX regimen for 31.8% of the time, until progression was 5.8 months, and overall survival was 9.0 months. Docetaxel was used to treat fetal oxaliphapen, a third generation platinum oxaliplatin, or oral fluoropyrimidine (capecitabine, UFT, S-1) and paclitaxel in monotherapy I and II lines would be shown direct efficacy of 11-24%. In polychemotherapy, paclitaxel content patterns showed an objective response of 22-51%, with a median survival of 6-14 months. In HER2-positive gastric cancer, the effect of chemotherapy increased by 12% with the addition of trastuzumab and the median survival increases to 13.8 months.
gastric cancer, medication therapy, chemotherapy
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 70-75 pages, index UDK 575.174.015.3:618.19-006.6-02