About the author:
Basiuha I. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
During the pregnancy amniotic fluid is the space for fetal being which protects the fetus from unfavorable micro- and macroinfluences. Amniotic fluid performs the vital functions such as the protection of the fetus from mechanic impact, prevention of umbilical cord squeeze, provides free fetal movements, also it is the sound conductive space for development of fetal hearing apparatus, and it is a necessary component for the forming of respiratory, urinary, bone and muscle systems, it takes part in metabolism and thermoregulation, gas exchange processes, prevents the spreading of infection. Aim of the research: to study the frequency of perinatal morbidity in women with oligohydramnios. Object and method: we examined 150 pregnant women, 120 of them in the gestation period 27-29 weeks had oligohygramnios (basic group), 30 persons were controls (pregnant women without oligohydramnios). Results. The women of basic group had chronic inflammatory diseases of reproductive system (chronic adnexitis (p<0.05), chronic processes of low reproductive tract (p<0.05)), pathology of cervix (cervicitis, erosions), infertility, abortions, operations on organs of pelvic cavity by ectopic pregnancy, cysts, ovarian apoplexy more often than in control group. In pregnant women with oligohydramnios by assessment the state of microbiocenosis of the genital tract ureaplasmosis, Gardnerella vaginalis, chlamydiosis, trichomoniasis, Candida, increased concentration of conditionally pathogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. saprophyticus, S. aureus, Escherichia Coli, Enterococcus faecalis), genital herpes, cytomegalovirus were determined. In such persons there were complications during pregnancy – threatened of spontaneous abortions and premature labor. In every third of women in basic group the second half of pregnancy accompanied by anemia I degree, placental dysfunction, fetal growth retardation, fetus small for gestational age and the presence of two vessels in the umbilical cord. The analysis of labor demonstrated that all women in both groups delivered in the term, the majority of them had physiological labor, every fifth person – cesarean section. Childbirth in women with oligohydramnios was complicated by premature amnion rupture (20 (16.67 %) subjects), weakness of labor contractions (15 (12.50 %) persons), episiotomy (38 (31.67 %). In basic group there were some cases of intranatal asphyxia. Only 94 (78.33 %) babies were born without signs of asphyxia with estimation of 8-10 points by Apgar score. Moderate asphyxia had 22 (18.33 %) of newborns in basic groups (p<0.05), severe one – 4 (3.33 %) babies (p<0.05). Conclusions. Infectious factor such as the increase of the frequency of inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive tract, the presence of bacterial and viral flora in genitalia promotes the development of oligohydramnios. Increase rate of complications that lead to the growth of incidences of perinatal pathology is typical for the pregnancy, labor and postpartum period in women with oligohydramnios.
women with oligohydramnios, features of pregnancy, labor, perinatal consequences
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 92-95 pages, index UDK 618.2-082+618.414.8