About the author:
Zadorozhna A. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Significant growth in allergic diseases, in particular, allergic rhinitis, is one of the burning problems of modern medicine. Epidemiological studies conducted in many European countries have shown that in the last decade, the incidence of allergic rhinitis has grown tenfold. The results of these studies indicate that in developed countries, 10 to 15% of the population suffer from allergic rhinitis. In this case, allergic rhinitis is more common in urban residents, which is associated with an increase in air pollution in metropolitan areas. In a study conducted in Canada in 1994 had been showed that outpatient costs was about $ 16 million, of which only $ 4.4 million was spent on visits to the doctor and the purchase of prescribed medications. High costs for allergic rhinitis are determined by significant indirect costs, which are caused by temporary disability of patients and, accordingly, have a negative impact on the indicators of labor productivity. So, at the end of the 20th century, the team of researchers Ross R. et al. calculated the indirect costs associated with loss of ability to work of patients with allergic rhinitis. It was found that losses in the manufacturing sector among men amounted to $ 2.39 billion, and among women – $ 1.4 billion. At the same time, production losses amounted to about $ 1,000 million for each working patient. The direct medical expenses most often take into account the cost of medical examinations, laboratory tests and instrumental examination methods (including an allergist and otolaryngologist review, rhinomanometry, radiographic examination of the paranasal sinuses etc.), the cost of anti-allergic drugs, alternative therapies, training programs for patients etc. The high financial expenses for allergic rhinitis are also determined by significant indirect costs, which are caused by temporary disability of patients, negative psycho-emotional state of patients and decreased the quality of life. The main tool for quantifying quality of life is questionnaires that contain a whole list of questions, which answers the patient gives as much information as possible about the various aspects of his or her life or health. To do this, use a series of questionnaires as for adults, as for teens. To assess the quality of life of patients with seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis, we used one of the most well-known SF-36 questionnaires, which consists of 36 items grouped in 8 scales. The score for each scale varies from 0 to 100 (indicator 100 represents full health). In a study conducted in 166 patients from Dnipropetrovsk (52 patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and 46 patients with year-round allergic rhinitis) and Kyiv (40 patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and 28 patients with year-round allergic rhinitis) regions, using the SF-36 questionnaire, was showed a significant decrease of 4 indicators: «Role-based functioning due to the physical condition», «Role-based functioning due to the emotional state», «Life activity» and «Social functioning», indicating the emotional and physical problems that can be considered as a factor the development of depression, anxiety. The results indicate the negative impact of allergic rhinitis on the quality of life both in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and in patients with year-round allergic manifestations. The obtained data require a pharmacoeconomic assessment, which will become the further object of our study.
quality of life, allergic rhinitis, economic costs
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 121-124 pages, index UDK 614.2.:612.8- 085.003.1