About the author:
Salkov M., Ovcharenko D., Zozulia N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The method of prediction is based on visualization of angiographic data and correlation with MRI data and neurological status of the patients. There were 11 patients with complicated spinal and spinal cord trauma in the cervical spine. All patients underwent a standard MRI study and total selective angiography. Purpose: to develop a method for predicting secondary changes in the cervical spinal cord. In the world literature, we have not met the detailed clinical description of the features of impaired circulation in spinal injury. Based on the fundamental experimental studies of G. Lazort et al. on vascularization and hemodynamics of the spinal cord, we have conducted a clinical study of impaired circulation in the cervical spine and spinal cord occurred as a result of injury, and also we have defined the role of collateral circulation in this type of pathology. Based on the results obtained correlation of vascular disorders with the severity of spinal cord ischemia and the severity of the patients has been conducted. Based on the results obtained, a correlation of vascular disorders with the severity of the development of ischemia of the spinal cord and the severity of the patients’ condition were performed. Collateral circulation is most apparent in the upper-cervical region above the C4 vertebra. In case of occlusion of the vertebral artery, the circulation above the C4 vertebra is carried out by collaterals of the ascending cervical artery. Extensive damage in the spinal cord, the intensity of edema and ischemia can be regarded as the effect of damage to radicular medullary arteries, their injury in the intervertebral foramen. Secondary changes of the spinal cord are most apparent in impaired circulation in the artery of cervical enlargement. Conclusions: the analysis of the observations shows that the absence of blood circulation in the artery of the cervical thickening causes more global secondary changes (perifocal edema and ischemia), revealed during angiography, MRI examination of the cervical spinal cord, and is also confirmed by neurological research. The method opens the prospect for endovascular treatment, the introduction of medicines that improve microcirculation in the pool of vertebral arteries, thrombus extraction and decompression of blood vessels that supply blood to the spinal cord.
spinal cord injury, secondary trauma of spinal cord, angiography, MRI, ischemia, edema
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 161-166 pages, index UDK 616.711+616.832-06-036.4-089-092.4