About the author:
Sultanova M. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In this paper, we would like to share our algorithm of action in post-traumatic endophthalmitis in children, as well as the results obtained by us in the clinic. Objective: to analyze the treatment of eye injury complicated by endophthalmitis in children. Methods. The case histories of 15 patients aged 10 days to 15 years for 2007-2016 were studied. When patients were admitted, routine examinations and laboratory tests were carried out. All patients underwent primary surgical treatment of the wound. The anterior chamber was washed, an antibiotic was injected. Intravitreal was administered vancomycin 1.0 mg in 0.1 ml and ceftazidime 1.0 mg in 0.1 ml. was Administered intravenous antibiotics for portability from 6 to 10 days the dosage in the age, local and parabulbarno used broad-spectrum antibiotics, cycloplegic. With an increase of symptoms of endophthalmitis within 48 hours were made to re-introduction of antibiotic intravitreal. With positive dynamics, conservative therapy was continued. With the disappearance of the reflex from the fundus, prescribed vitrectomy. Results. During the period from 2007-2016, 15 children aged 10 days to 15 years with a diagnosis of endophthalmitis were treated in the hospital. In 14 cases (93%) the process developed after an eye injury. In one case (7%) the exact cause of endophthalmitis could not be determined. The causes of injury to the organ of vision in all cases were different, although there was some pattern of development of the purulent process after a relatively small damage. In our practice, we have never seen a case of endophthalmitis after extensive cut or lacerated wounds, injuries caused by explosives. the most common infection develops after damage caused by a needle from a syringe (46% of observations – 7 cases). The second place in the incidence of endophthalmitis in our study was a tree branch (4 cases, 27%). This type of injury is more common among the causes of eye damage in children, in some cases there is a complication in the form of infectious inflammation. The results were evaluated by eye condition at the time of discharge, 1 and 6 months after admission. Of 15 patients in 8 cases (54%) eyes were preserved, vision was restored, in 3 patients (20%) visual acuity rose to 1.0. In 5 children (33%) the eye was preserved as an organ, but vision was lost. In 2 cases (13%) the process ended with the loss of the eyeball. Summary. Assigned treatment adequately and competently and in due time produced the primary treatment of the wound allows you to achieve the best possible therapeutic results.
eye injury, endophthalmitis, children
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 173-177 pages, index UDK 617.747-007.58