About the author:
Dragomiretska N. V., Zabolotna I. B., Gushcha S. G., Kalinichenko N. V., Izha A. N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the most common pathologies in the structure of acid-dependent diseases of the digestive system, over the past decades, the incidence of GERD is constantly increasing. The article summarizes literary data on the etiopathogenesis of GERD, including refractory GERD, with various comorbid states. The modern approaches to medical therapy of GERD are highlighted, attention is focused on the disadvantages of such therapy taking into account the course of GERD. Оbjective. The purpose of the study is to increase the effectiveness of treatment of refractory GERD (RFGERD) by using in combination therapy of boron medium mineralized hydrocarbon sodium mineral water and amplipulsetherapy. Object and methods. Under observation there were 90 patients in the Russian Hereditary Hospital. Common clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies (anamnestic, clinical methods, paraclinical methods (research of general-clinical parameters of blood, esophagogastroduodenophibroscopy, pH-metry), statistical methods) were performed for all patients. Control group (I) was presented by 30 patients who were prescribed a standard treatment complex — dietary foods and doses of PPI group drugs. Patients of ІІ group additionally appointed an internal drinking reception of boron medium mineralized hydrocarbonate sodium water. Patients of ІІІ groups in addition to the standard treatment set an internal drinking drink of boron mineralized hydrocarbon sodium water of mineral water and amplipulsetherapy procedures. Results and discussion. The results of the study indicate the high efficacy of the proposed treatment, which was manifested in the disappearance of clinical manifestations of GERD (p<0.001), esophagitis (p<0.001), motorevacuating disorder of the esophagogastroduodenal system (p<0.05). Conclusions. The proposed comprehensive treatment with the use of amplipulsetherapy and boron medium mineralized hydrocarbon sodium of mineral water on the background of receiving doses of PPI is effective in treating refractory GERD.
mineral water, amplipulse therapy, refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 138-141 pages, index UDK 616.33-008.17:616.329]-085.327(477.87)+615.844