About the author:
Yakovleva О. О., Semenchuk S. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The optimal pharmacotherapy of ischemic heart disease (IHD) has been addressed from the perspective of cardiac hemodynamics improvement that is effective in preventing angina attacks but provide virtually no influence against pathogenetic links of the disease. That is why, the metabolic therapy has rightfully taken its leading place among the treatment plans for cardiovascular disease and has been included in the international guidelines. The purpose of the study was to compare effectiveness of L-arginine L-glutamate and thiotriazolin in the complex pharmacotherapy of stable IHD. In accordance with the objectives of the study, 142 subjects with stable IHD were screened. After the previous randomization and correction of outpatient treatment, patients were assigned three treatment options, depending on which the main clinical groups of the study were formed: the first clinical group consisted of 44 patients who received only optimal IHD therapy, the second group — 50 patients who received LArginine L-glutamate in the complex pharmacotherapy, the third group consisted of 48 patients who received the drug — thiotriazolin in addition to standart treatment regimen. The evaluation of the functional state of the liver in patients with stable IHD in the study groups showed superiority of the L-arginine L-glutamate group to decrease in cytolytic and cholestatic syndromes: reduction of ALT in group 2 was by 48,5 % (p<0,05), while in group 3 – by 31,1 % (p<0,05); the level of AST decreased by 43,1 % (p<0,05) and 28,6 %; the level of GGP decreased in group 2 and 3 by 45,7% (p<0,05) and 29,6% (p<0,05) respectively. The level of TC in patients of the 2nd group decreased by – 30,4 % (p<0,05), while in patients of group 3 - by 20,5 %. The mean TG level decreased by 46,8 % (p<0,05) and 27,1 % respectively. Target levels of LDL-C were achieved in the 1st group in 41 % cases, in the 2nd group – in 61 % of patients and in group 3 – 49 %, (p<0,05). The level of HDL-C in patients of group 2 increased by 25,0 % (p<0,05), while in group 2 - by 11,2 %(p<0,05). The anti-ischemic effect of both metabolic drugs was confirmed with 24-hour ECG monitoring, but did not statistically differ
ischemic heart disease, L-arginine L-glutamate, thiotriozolin, liver.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 211-215 pages, index UDK 615.036