About the author:
Khaniukov O. O., Yehudina Ye. D., Sapozhnychenko L. V., Kalashnykova O. S., Kravchenko O. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Education modernization in the healthcare of Ukraine has formed new approaches to the training of the young professionals. The article describes the methods of the active teaching in the medical university clinical departments. Traditional lecturing used in teaching has the lowest retention rate; the use of simulation technique education as part of an instruction method may enhance retention and reinforce learning by creating a dynamic educational environment. The aim of the study was to analyze, generalize existing points of view in the education system, which affect the issue of necessity, effectiveness and features of the simulation programs use for medical students in the example of «Standardized patient» methodic. Object and methods. It were held an overview of modern literature on the implementation of simulation method in way of the «Standardized patient» methodic in medical education. Seven databases were used in the search: ERIC, Education Research Complete, Medline, Medline Complete, Academic Search Complete, The Cochrane Library and PubMed in period of 2007-2018. Using key words: standardized patient, students, active teaching method, professional training, medicine. Results and discussion. Students of medical universities often feel lack the experience of interacting with real patients. By mastering realistic scenarios with a standardized patient (SP), they accumulate experience, and teachers gain an opportunity to evaluate how students apply new knowledge in practice. Interaction with SP develops communication and professional skills, enabling students to get their first clinical experience. Using SP, students learn to collect anamnesis from a patient, conduct a physical examination on structured and effective principles, learn to ask questions related to medical, surgical and social anamnesis, make objective examination, estimate additional methods of investigation. SPs also help students of the senior courses to ensure integration of curriculum content in practical activity. There is a possibility apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, using them as tools in achieving a specific goal – helping a sick person. This method of simulation training is developed to involve university staff as «standardized patients» for modeling clinical situations of differentiation and assistance in various diseases. The approximate structure and rules for writing a clinical scenario for SP are proposed. Conclusion. SP methodic is one of the effective ways to learn how to manage errors and how to work in accordance with modern algorithms. The advantage of this technique is that the student can really assess the level of his training, identify gaps in knowledge and skills, and make timely attempts to eliminate them. The inclusion of SP methodic in an educational program is a very effective teaching method.
standardized patient, students, active teaching method, professional training, medicine.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 241-245 pages, index UDK 61:378.147.091:614.253.4