About the author:
Saksonov S. G., Gruzieva T. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim of the study was to determine the areas of optimization of staffing of the ophthalmologic service from the point of view of the organizers of health care and patients of health care institutions. Object and methods: used bibliographic, sociological, medical-statistical methods and systematic approach. A special toolkit has been developed and a sociological survey has been conducted among 117 healthcare providers and 468 patients of the ophthalmologic healthcare institutions in various regions of Ukraine. Results. It has been established that the organizers of health care consider it necessary to invest in the development of personnel resources of the ophthalmologic service (87.2±3.3 per 100 respondents), creation of decent working conditions (75.2 ± 4.6), ensuring efficient use of resources (82.1±3.9), training of personnel resources of the ophthalmology service in accordance with real needs (78.6±4.3), improvement of training programs of training and advanced training (69.2±5.1), increasing motivation to professional activity (80.3±3.7), encouraging participation of communities in decision-making on staffing ophthalmic services (68.4±5.2), to improve the regulation of diverse issues of certification and accreditation (64.1±5.5). It was determined that consumers of medical services consider the reasons for their low quality as lack of personnel (74.4±2.3 per 100 respondents), poor working conditions (59.8±2.9), insufficient provision with modern equipment, equipment (62.2±2.8) and so on. In their opinion, it is necessary to increase the number of specialists in the ophthalmologic profile, improve the organization of ophthalmologic help, improve the working conditions of specialists, equipping facilities with modern equipment, medicines, improving the professional skills of ophthalmologists, improving the communication and ethical and deontological component of their training. On the basis of the analysis of the vision of the staffing of the ophthalmologic service and the ways of their solution by the organizers of provision and consumers of ophthalmologic medical services, taking into account the provisions of internationally recognized strategies, the directions of optimization of the staffing component of ophthalmic care are set. Conclusion. The necessity of using a cross-sectoral and national approach to solving the problems of staffing of the ophthalmologic service is substantiated, including the development of personnel resources of the ophthalmologic profile into the general strategy of development of human resources of health care. The components of the programs of development of personnel resources of the ophthalmologic service are identified, namely, the identification of the need for personnel resources, the improvement of the planning, preparation, distribution, hiring of specialists in the ophthalmologic profile, investment in their preparation and development, establishment of the capacity of institutions at various levels, monitoring and evaluation of personnel resources ophthalmologic service, etc
personnel resources, ophthalmologic service, optimization of personnel supply, directions of development, opinion of health organizers, opinion of consumers of ophthalmologic services.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 326-330 pages, index UDK 614.2:617.7.000.34(477)