About the author:
Bodnaruk Y. B.
Type of article:
Scentific article
A significant role in the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity plays an oral liquid that unites the external and internal factors in the pathogenesis of inflammatory periodontal diseases. Therefore, early detection of qualitative changes in the oral fluid, especially in children with somatic diseases, allows to explain their role in the formation of pathological changes and to take into account at the scheduling of preventive correction. The analysis of changes of some indicators of oral liquid was conducted in 30 dental and somatic healthy children (control group), 36 people with chronic catarrhal gingivitis without concomitant somatic diseases (comparative group) and 60 children with CCG who have infantile cerebral palsy (main group). For determination of speed of the salivation (unstimulated) the saliva was collected in the morning on an empty stomach for 20 minutes in dimensional tube. The measuring of ph just collected oral liquid was performed using pH meter millivoltmeter pH-150 M. The viscosity of oral liquid was found out with using a viscometer of Ostwald. The content of aspartaminotransferaze in oral liquid was find out with using the method of Raytman-Frenkel. The elastase activity was determined by the method of K.M. Veremyeyenko et al. (1991), which was modified to the saliva. The activity of urease find out with express test (Biohit), which destroys the urea to ammonia and is registered by a color change of the indicator, which is present in the gel. The obtained results were worked out statistically. As a result of the studies it is established that in children with CCG marked lower salivary that in persons of the comparative group was (0.36±0.03) ml/min and (0.31±0.02) ml/min in children of the main group (р1 >0.05) against (0.49±0.02) ml/min in the control (р<0.01). The lowest values of ph in the oral liquid were fixed among persons with CCG on the background of infantile cerebral palsy – (5.99±0.08), which were significantly lower relatively to the same values in children of the control (6.98±0.08), (р<0.01) and comparison groups (6.32±0.07), (р<0.01). The viscosity of oral liquid in children of the main group was (3.03±0.05) MPa∙S, and was the highest compared with children in the control group ((2.34±0.04) MPa∙S), (p<0.01) and in children with CCG without somatic diseases (2.64±0.05) MPa∙S), (p1 <0.01). In children with CCG on the background of ICP determined the increase of the marker of inflammation – elastase to (0.042±0.001) mkkat/l, which was significantly higher than in children of the control group ((0.021±0.001) mkkat/l (p<0.01)) and somatically healthy children with CCG ((0.035±0.002) mkkat/l, (p1 <0.01)). The results of the research of activity of urease in children of study groups has shown that in children with CCG at cerebral palsy, the urease activity in saliva was (5.13±0.32) mkkkat/l, which was higher than the value of persons in the comparison group ((5.21±0.31) mkkat/l, (p1 <0.05) and was significantly higher than in children of the control group ((4.05±0.32) mkkat/l (p<0.01)). Thus, as a result of the conducted studies it is established that the children with CCG on the background of infantile cerebral palsy have a significantly violated physical properties of the oral liquid (increase of the viscosity on the background of hiposalivation and decrease of acidity), a quantitative increase in pathogenic of microflora (increase of the activity of urease) and the intensity of inflammation processes (increase of elastase and aspartaminotransferaze) compared with the similar data in children with CCG without concomitant somatic diseases
chronic catarrhal gingivitis, infantile cerebral palsy, physical and chemical properties of the oral liquid.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 334-337 pages, index UDK 616.314-002: 616. 311.2 – 002-084-057.87