About the author:
Konoval N. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Myocardial tissue of 30 dead bodies of people in early post-mortem period (within the time intervals of 3-13 hours since the death time) has been studied in research. The structural and biochemical markers in the myocardium homogenates have been assessed, namely, content of glycogen, acid phosphatase, lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, lipofuscin, cholinesterase. It was determined that structural and biochemical changes in myocardial tissue in the early postmortem period were characterized by typical morphological biochemical and biophysical changes, the main of which were: 1) gradual and constant decrease in relative optical density of nucleus and cytoplasm of cardiomyocytes within 3-13 hours since the death time; the rate and level of dynamics non-linearly depend on prescription of death coming; the quantitative dependencies (in the form of polynomials) regarding biophysical markers of morphological post-mortem changes of cardiomyocytes have been reasonably determined. Moreover, the comparative morphological study of cardiomyocytes ultrastructure in the early post-mortem period (in various time intervals depending on prescription of death coming) has been carried out; 2) statistically significant biochemical changes in the myocardial muscles were revealed in the early postmortem period, among which the most significant was a decrease in the glycogen content while simultaneously increasing the content of lipofuscin. The representative absolute and relative values of content for all six structural and biochemical markers were obtained depending on prescription of death coming; 3) correlation indicators between the biochemical and biophysical properties of muscle tissue of the myocardium were studied in the system interconnection, the corresponding systemic coefficients (for time intervals every 2 hours) were calculated, critically important structural and biochemical markers were substantiated to increase the accuracy of forensic diagnosis of prescription of death coming.
myocardium, structural-biochemical markers, post-mortal period, prescription of death coming, diagnosis, forensic medicine.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 385-389 pages, index UDK 340.6:[616/127:616.5]-091.1-91.8